O. Ashmolean Museum 0007
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0007; HO 22,1
Description: Limestone, 12 x 16 cms (if facsimile in Hieratic Ostraca is on scale of 1:1). Damaged. Two sides; obverse: 11 lines of which most, except 6-5 have lost the beginning; reverse: 11 lines, of which the first and the last are lost for the most part, the lines in the upper part of the ostracon have lost the beginning, those in the lower part the beginning and ending. The text of verso continues on the adjacent thickness ( HO 22, 1b), some on the border to the right ( HO 22,1b). On both obverse and reverse a large spXr was written over the text. Black ink. Top obverse = bottom reverse.
Classification: account - journal : labour
Keywords: construction site - stone-work
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Černý-Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , 7 (description) and pl. 22-22A no. 1 (facsimile, transcription).
Dates mentioned: sw 12 (obv. 6); sw 14 (obv. 9)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 18 ( Cern y -Gardiner )
Contents: Journal describing the work done by stone-workers in a tomb or temple (?), mentioning work on walls.
Terminology: ir n (obv. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, ~8#, rev. 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, ~11#, frgt. 1a 1); m mi.t.t (obv. 9); nty r-xt (rev. 1); nty Hr bAk (obv. 5); nty Hr snfr (obv. 9); nty Hr dri (obv. 2, 7, rev. ~6#, 8); nty Hr dgA (obv. obv. 1, 3, ~6#, 10, ~11#, rev. 4, ~5#, ~6#, ~7#, 9); spXr (over text obv. and rev.); grH (frgt. 1a 1, 2); dmD (obv. 10, frgt. 1a 1)
Names/Titles: Imn-Htp sA 4wnr (Hr.y Xr.ty.w-nTr ; rev. 2); 4n-Htp (Hr.y Xr.ty.w-nTr ; obv. 1)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2005-05-25

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