O. Ashmolean Museum 0016
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0016; HO 24, 2
Description: Limestone, 15 x 8 cms (if facsimile in Hieratic Ostraca is on scale of 1:1). Two sides; obverse: fifteen sometimes rather effaced lines; reverse: fourteen much effaced lines in black ink. Damaged at top and left of obverse and bottom of reverse. Correction by the scribe in obv. 8. Top obverse = top reverse.
Classification: account - journal : delivery - duty
Keywords: dates - side (of gang)
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Černý-Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , 8 (description) and pl. 24-24A no. 2 (facsimile, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 597-598 (transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 429-430 (outline of content)
Dates mentioned: IV Smw sw 10-11 (obv. ~1#-2); IV Smw sw 14 (obv. 3 (day mentioned only)); IV Smw sw 28 (obv. 4); IV Smw sw 24 (obv. 5); IV Smw sw 26-27 (obv. 6-7); IV Smw sw 29 ( obv. 8); epagomenal day 1 (obv. 10); epagomenal day 4 (obv. 11); I Ax.t sw 3 (obv. 14); I Ax.t sw 5 (obv. 15); I Ax.t sw 26 (rev. 3); I Ax.t sw [...] (rev. 4); [...] sw 2 (rev. 6; probably II Ax.t sw 2); II Ax.t sw 6 (rev. 7); II Ax.t sw [...] (rev. 8); sw 26 (rev. 10); sw 21 (rev. 13)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, Ramesses III ( Kitchen ); year 3 Ramesses V (Helck); see Remarks
Contents: Account of date deliveries to both sides of the gang.
Terminology: wnmy (rev. 8); m hrw pn (obv. 11, ~12#, rev. ~3#, 4, ~7#, ~11#); m Dr.t NN (obv. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, ~8# (?), 10, ~11# (?), 13, 14, rev. ~2#, 3, ~5#, 6, 7, 13); r wnmy (obv. ~2#, ~9#, 12, rev. 1, 4, 10); r smHy (obv. 8, rev. 8, 9, 11, ~14#); smHy (obv. 6, 11, rev. ~8#)
Names/Titles: As.t (deity ; obv. 11 (in epagomenal day)); Imn-m-In.t (obv. ~1#, ~9#, rev. 6); aA-nxt.w (rev. ~12#); Wn-nfr (obv. ~2#, rev. 7); Wsir (deity ; obv. 10 (in epagomenal day)); BAk-n-wrnr (obv. ~7#, rev. 5); Rt (obv. 5); 1Ay (obv. 10, rev. 3); 1r (obv. 14); 3nmw-ms (obv. 13, rev. 9); Od-Hr-ix.t=f (rev. 2); Incomplete: Imn-[...] (rev. 13; Imn-m-In.t (?)); aA-n[...] (obv. 6; aA-nxt (?)); [...]-nfr (rev. 1; Wn-nfr (?))
Remarks: Dates attributed: duty-roster (19 days) has same sequence of names as O. UC 39624, to which it must be close in date; see Gutgesell, Datierung I, 86.

Record last updated 2012-06-13

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