O. Ashmolean Museum 0117
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0117; HO 50, 3
Description: Limestone, 9 x 10.5 cms (if facsimile in Hieratic Ostraca is on 1:1 scale). One side with 5 lines in black ink. Damaged at the right, top and left edges.
Classification: account - journal (?) : delivery - event
Keywords: document (?) - fish - message (?) - tomb (royal) (?)
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Černý-Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , 15 (description) and pl. 50-50A no. 3 (facsimile, transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Journal mentioning the 'place of Pharaoh life prosperity health', two foremen of the gang, handing over a dispatch (?), the brother of the vizier and several men in connection with fish deliveries.
Terminology: Sa.t (~2# (?))
Names/Titles: an. (pA aA n is.t 2 ; 2); an. (Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; 1); an. (pA sn n TAty ; 3); aA-X.t (4); Wsr-HA.t-nxt (3); PA-dS.w.t-nxt (5); Incomplete [...]-Imn (1)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2004-08-06

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