O. Ashmolean Museum 0149
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0149
Description: Limestone, 7.5 x 8 cms. Two sides; obverse: five lines; reverse: one line. Black ink. Complete (?); writing somewhat effaced in obv. 4-5 and on reverse. Top obverse = bottom reverse.
Classification: note(?)
Keywords: divine manifestation - oath
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Borghouts, in: Gleanings , 24-25 (translation of obverse, commentary); Karl, SAK 28 (2000), 136 (transliteration, translation, commentary); see Remarks
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Note about visit to 'the wise woman' and a divine manifestation in connection with an oath. Reverse holds the word 'no'.
Terminology: -
Names/Titles: an. ( tA rx.t ; f.; obv. 1); an. ( tAy=f Hm.t ; f.; obv. 4); PA-5w (deity(?); obv. 3); see Remarks; PtH (deity; obv. 2); 4tX (deity; obv. 5)
Remarks: Publication: description and transcription are to be found in Černý Notebook 45.51. Names/Titles: PA-5w may be the deity, a personal name or 'the light'; see Karl, SAK 28, 136 n. 38.

Record last updated 2006-02-10

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