O. Ashmolean Museum 0165
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0165
Description: Limestone, 25.5 x 14 cms. Two sides; obverse: eighteen lines; reverse: eighteen lines. Black ink. Damaged at the top of obverse (causing loss of writing) and reverse; many lacunas in the central sections on both sides. Top obverse = top reverse.
Classification: protocol : deposition - dispute - payment - transfer
Keywords: agriculture - donkey - dung - grain - message - payment - textile - onb.t
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 183-184 no. 183 and pl. 44-45 (transcription, translation, commentary); Janssen, Donkeys at Deir el-Medina , 31-32 (summary of contents, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions III, 548-550 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, Ramesses II ( Kitchen )
Contents: Disputes over donkeys, involving the chief of police 4bk-Htp , the water-carrier 7Ay and the workman Nfr-sn.w.t on the obverse, and the water-carrier 7Aw-Hr-xt and an anonymous woman on the reverse.
Terminology: iw tA onb.t Hr nDnD r n NN (obv. ~6#-[7]) iw tA onb.t Hr Dd (obv. ~12-13#); m hrw pn (obv. ~9#-[10] (?)); m Dr.t NN (obv. ~10-11#); r Dd (obv. 2, rev. 4, ~6#); hAb (obv. ~4#, rev. ~1#, 3, 6, 15); swn (rev. ~12-13#, 13); DbA (verb; obv. 15)
Names/Titles: Iwn.w-n-MnTw (geo.; rev. 14); Nfr-sn.w.t (rmT-is.t ; obv. ~12#); 4bk-Htp (Hr.y-mDAy ; obv. ~1#, 3, ~10-11#); 7Ay (in-mw ; obv. ~6#-[7], 13); 7Aw-Hr-xt (in-mw ; rev. ~3#, ~6#)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2005-11-21

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