O. Ashmolean Museum 0187 reverse
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0187 reverse
Description: Pottery, 18.5 x 18.5 cms. Two sides; obverse: nine lines of a literary text with verse-points; reverse: nine lines. Black ink. Damaged; the left of obverse is gone, as is the left of reverse. Top obverse = bottom reverse.
Classification: account - journal : absence - delivery - duty - event - labour
Keywords: construction site - firewood - gang (?) - grain rations - inactivity - Necropolis
Provenance: Bought in Luxor 20-02-1934.
Publication: Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 472 (translation) ; see Remarks
Dates mentioned: I Ax.t sw 10 (rev. 1); rnp.t-sp 2 II Ax.t sw 8 (rev. 3); I Ax.t sw 11( rev. 5)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 1 Ramesses IX, year 2 Ramesses IX ( Helck ) ; see Remarks
Contents: Account-journal of inactivity, duty, labour, wood and grain rations, and finding the two scribes.
Terminology: wrS (obv. 1, rev. 4 - pA wrS 2); wHm m Dr.t=f (rev. 7); nty m wsf (rev. ~1# (?), 3, ~5# (?)); nty m pA r-a-bAk (rev. 5); di.w (rev. 8); dmD (rev. 4, 7)
Names/Titles: an. ( pA wrS 2; rev. 4); an. ( pA sS 2 ; rev. 9); Inpw-nxt (rev. 2); 1y-nfr (rev. 6); Incomplete: Imn-[...] ( sS ; rev. 3); Ra-mry sA ... (rev. 6); see Remarks
Remarks: Publication: see also Černý Notebook 45.89 and 107.23 . Date attributed: Ra-mry and 1y-nfr occur in ostraca from the 19th as well as the 20th dynasties. Names,Titles: the patronym was not transcribed by Černý; cf. for instance O. Ashmolean Museum 0143: Ra-mry sA Nfr-Htp , which would date this ostracon to the 20th dynasty.

Record last updated 2012-10-09

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