O. Ashmolean Museum 0215
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0215
Description: Limestone, 9 x 6.5 x 4 cms. One side with four lines in black ink. Damaged at left edge.
Classification: protocol (?): oath (?)
Keywords: oath (?)
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 184 (transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 72 (translation)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 40 I Smw sw 13 (1)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19 , year 40 Ramesses II (Kitchen, Helck)
Contents: Very fragmentary, but formulary ([...] pA hoA anx wDA snb mtw=i tm [...] ) suggest that this may have been an oath.
Terminology: wAH Imn wAH pA HoA anx wDA snb ([2]-3 (?))
Names/Titles: an. (pA HoA anx wDA snb ; king; 3); an. (TAy-mDA.t 2); Imn (deity ; [2] (?))
Remarks: Collated by Demaree-Donker van Heel on 24 November 1999

Record last updated 2005-05-25

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