O. Ashmolean Museum 0267
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0267
Description: Limestone, 5.5 x 5.5 cms. Two sides; obverse: three lines; reverse: two lines. Black ink. Damaged; bottom and left of obverse have broken off. Correction by the scribe in rev. 1.
Classification: account : delivery - portion
Keywords: document - leather - woodwork
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Unpublished; Černý Notebook 31.69 (description, transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20; end reign Ramesses III or Ramesses IV; see Remarks
Contents: Mention of document, woodwork, a portion and a delivery by a sandalmaker; reverse mentions delivery of leather.
Terminology: iw=w Ssp (rev. 2); ir n (obv. 3); sS (obv. 1); Ssp m Dr.t NN (obv. 3); tAy=f pS.t (obv. 2)
Names/Titles: Ra-mry (rev. 1); 1Ay (idn.w ; obv. 2); Incomplete: [...] (rmT-is.t (?); obv. 1); [...] (Tb.w ; obv. 3); [...]-Imn (obv. 2-3 (?)); [...]-nxt (rev. 1 (?))
Remarks: Date attributed: on account of idn.w 1Ay (DvH).

Record last updated 2002-01-10

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