O. Berlin P 11238
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, measurements presently not available. Inscribed on one side in black ink, 6 lines. Palimpsest; 5 lines of an old text placed under the more recent text. Damaged: beginning, top and end of line 1 lost, end of line 2 lost, beginning of lines 4, 6 lost, middle of lines 3-5 effaced, end of line 6 effaced.
Classification: account
Keywords: -
Provenance: Bought on the West Bank of Luxor.
Publication: Hieratische Papyrus Berlin III, Leipzig 1911, pl. XXXII (description, facsimile)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 18, end ( Hieratische Papyrus Berlin III); see Remarks.
Contents: Palimpsest text: an account with numbers only; the more recent text: a model letter.
Terminology: -
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: Date(s) attributed: model letter dyn. 19 , Ramesses II: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions III, 161; idem, Ramesside Inscriptions translations III, 108; idem, Pharaoh Triumphant , 125 and 127; Wente, Letters , 134-135, no. 160.

Record last updated 2010-12-01

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