O. Berlin P 12633 + O. DeM 00169
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00246
Description: Yellow pottery, 3 fragments: two upper fragments form O. Berlin P 12633; lower fragment (9 x 10 cm) is O. DeM 0169. O. Berlin P 12633 obverse (convex) 8 lines, reverse (concave) 9 lines, top obverse = top reverse, black ink except for obv. 1 and parts of obv. 5 and 6, which are red. O. DeM 0169 obverse 5 lines, reverse 6 lines, top obverse = top reverse, black ink except for obv. 4, which is red. Damaged; O. Berlin P 12633: ends of obv. 1 and 2 and beginnings of rev. 1-3 lost, lacunae in obv. 1-8 and rev. 2-8, only traces of rev. 9; O. DeM 0169: beginnings of obv. 1-5 and ends of rev. 1-6 lost.
Classification: account - journal : deficit - delivery - duty - name - portion
Keywords: beer - bread - dates - firewood - fish - flowers - gang - grain rations - pottery - side (of gang) - vegetables
Provenance: Deir el-Medina; excavations G. Möller
Publication: Deir el Medine online, URL: http://dem-online.gwi.uni-muenchen.de (description, transcription, transliteration, translation, photograph and commentary of O. Berlin P 12633 ); Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 17, pl. 44 (description and transcription O. DeM 0 0 169); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 500 and 501 (transcription O. DeM 0 0 169); see Remarks
Dates mentioned: IV pr.t sw 17-30 (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 1, ~1#, 2, 3, ~3#, 3, ~4#, 4, 5, ~5#, 5, 6, ~7#, 8); I Smw sw 2 (O. DeM 0169 obv. 2); I Smw sw 4 (O. DeM 0169 obv. 3); sw 2 + x (O. DeM 0169 obv. 4); I Smw sw 11-25 (O. Berlin P 12633 rev. 1, 1, ~2#, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, ~5#, 6, 7, ~9#, O. DeM 0169 rev. ~1#, 2); I Smw sw 27 (O. DeM 0169 rev. 3); I Smw sw 30 (O. DeM 0169 rev. 5)
Dates attributed: first half Dyn. 20 (Černý); year 25 Ramesses III (Helck, Kitchen); see Remarks
Contents: Guard duties; deliveries of beer, vegetables, fish, dates, bread, pottery, wood, flowers. Distribution of grain rations (O. Berlin P 12 633 obv. 3).
Terminology: iw m Dr.t NN (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 2, 6); iw m Dr.t Sad.w (O. Berlin P 12633 rev. 1); wnmy (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 1, 4, 7, rev. 3, 5, 8); wDA.t (O. DeM 0169 obv. ~5# - or wDA.t n ? ); pA di.t di.w n tA is.t (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 3); smHy (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. ~2#?, 5, 7, rev. 2, 4, 5) Incomplete iw m Dr.t [...] (O. Berlin P 12633 rev. 7)
Names/Titles: an. (pA od ; O. Berlin P 12633 rev. ~6#); an. (Sad.w ; O. Berlin P 12633 rev. 1); Any-nxt (O. DeM 0169 obv. 2; O. Berlin P 12633 rev. 7); Ii-r-niw.t=f (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 6, rev. ~4#); Imn-m-Ip.t (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 4, rev. 2); Ir-sw (O. DeM 0169 obv. 4, rev. 1); Pn-6A-wr.t (O. Berlin P 12633 rev. 5); MnnA (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 5, rev. 3); Ms (O. Berlin P 12633 rev. 2); Nfr-Hr (O. DeM 0169 obv. 3; O. Berlin P 12633 rev. 7); Nfr-Htp (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 2; O. DeM 0169 rev. ~3#); Nxw-m-Mw.t (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 6, rev. 3); Nxt-Mnw (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 3, rev. 1; O. DeM 0169 rev. ~5#); RSw-ptr=f (O. Berlin P 12633 rev. ~1#); 1y-nfr (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 1; O. DeM 0169 rev. 2); 1r (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. ~8#, rev. 5); 2a-m-WAs.t (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. ~3#); 2a-m-Nwn (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 1); 2nsw-ms (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 2); OnnA (O. DeM 0169 over obv. 2; O. Berlin P 12633 rev. 6); Ks (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 3) Incomplete Imn -[...] (O. Berlin P 12633 obv. 6)
Remarks: Publication: see also Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 273. Date(s) attributed: Černý Notebook 32.57: "year 25".

Record last updated 2024-07-08

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