O. Cairo CG 25250
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96496; O. Cairo SR 01768
Description: Limestone, 27.5 x 26 cm. Inscribed on two sides probably in black ink, obverse 14 lines, reverse 6 lines; reverse 6 and reverse 8 crossed out by scribe. Damaged: beginnings of obverse 6, 8-14 lost, middle of obverse 1, 6, 7, 14 effaced, end of obverse 2 lost, beginnings of reverse 4-6 lost, only a few signs remain of reverse 2, middle of reverse 3 effaced.
Classification: account : portion
Keywords: woodwork
Provenance: Valley of Kings, Tomb KV 6 (Ramesses IX) or Tomb KV 9 (Ramesses VI).
Publication: Daressy, Ostraca Caire , 65, pl. LIII (photograph of obverse, description, transcription of reverse 1-6); see Remarks.
Dates mentioned: - (see Remarks)
Dates attributed: - (see Remarks)
Contents: An account consisting of personal names and amounts of various wooden objects.
Terminology: pA wp nA ipt.w (obv. 1); mi.t.y nA ipt.w nty iw=tw ir=w (rev. 1-2); hAw (obv. 8, 10); ditto (obv. 5, 13, rev. 5, 6); Incomplete: nty m [...] (rev. 2?)
Names/Titles: Ii-n-aS-n=f (obv. 5, rev. ~5#); Imn-pA-nfr (obv. 8, rev. 5); Imn-Htp (idn.w ; obv. 2, rev. 3); Imn-Sd (obv. ~9#, rev. 4); aDd-nfr (obv. 4, rev. ~3#); PA-aA-DADA (obv. 3, ~13#); PA-bi.t (obv. 7); PA-nxt-m-Ip.t (obv. ~10#); PA-ry (obv. ~6#); PA-sn-nDm (obv. 3, rev. 6); PA-mry-n-Imn (obv. 2, rev ~6#; see Remarks); Pn-tA-wmt.t (obv. ~12#); Ns-PA-Ra (obv. 9); 0r (obv. 6, ~14#?); 1r (rev. ~4#); Incomplete: [...]- TAw-nx (obv. 14; possibly PA-TAw-nxt ?; see Remarks); [...] Imn (obv. 11);
Remarks: Publication: a revised transcription of the whole text by Černý, Notebook 101.7. Date(s) attributed: late dyn. 20 in view of proper names, most of which also occur in P. Turin Cat. 1888 + P. Turin Cat. 2085, years 17 and 18 of Ramesses XI (Haring). Names, Titles: the reading PA-mry-n-Imn (obv. 2, rev. ~6#) is by Gardiner. Černý, Notebook 101.7. The resconstruction PA -aA-DADA (obv. ~13#) is suggested by Černý, Notebook 101.7. [...]- TAw-nx (obv. 14) is read [...]- anx (obv. 14) by Gardiner. Černý, Notebook 101.7.

Record last updated 2019-09-23

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