O. Cairo CG 25291
Other nos.: O. Cairo SR 12280
Description: Limestone, 13 x 25 cm. Inscribed on one side probably in black ink, 5 lines. Complete.
Classification: note : event
Keywords: arrival - departure - inspecting work
Provenance: Valley of Kings.
Publication: Daressy, Ostraca Caire , 74 pl. LVII (photograph, description, transcription; see Remarks); Hao, JAC 26 (2011), 95 and 96 (description, transcription, transliteration, translation); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 398 (translation ); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 143 (transcription); Spiegelberg, Zwei Beitrage zur Geschichte und Topographie der Thebanischen Necropolis im Neuen Reich , Strassburg 1898, 13, II (transcription)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 6 III Smw sw 16 (1)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 6 Ramesses IV ( Hao, Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: A note on the arrival of the vizier Nfr-rnp.t to inspect work, his departing, and guardian 2ay 's going to Deir el-Bahri.
Terminology: ii in NN r ptr pA sHn (1-3)
Names/Titles: Nfr-rnp.t (im.y-r Niw.t TAty ; 1); 2ay (sAw ; 4); 9sr.t (geo.; 5)
Remarks: Publication: revised transcription by Černý, Notebook 101.8.

Record last updated 2012-04-20

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