O. Cairo CG 25638
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96063; O. Cairo SR 01194
Description: Red-blueish pottery, 6 x 6.5 cms. Damaged. One (convex) side with 5 lines in black ink. Only the endings of l. 1-4 are preserved; l. 5 is only a trace.
Classification: account : delivery
Keywords: firewood - fish - side (of gang)
Provenance: Valley of Kings; Davis/Ayrton excavations 1905-1906; mark: N.Tb. 61 (KV 47 Siptah); see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 298.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 45-46 (description), 67* (transcription), pl. LXII (facsimile)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: E nd dyn. 19 (Černý)
Contents: Fish and firewood delivered to the right side.
Terminology: n wnmy (2); m Dr.t NN (3); Ssp m iny.t [...] (4)
Names/Titles: 1r (wHa ; 3); Incomplete: [ ... ] Sad - [ ... ] ; 3-[4]); BAk-n-[ ... ] (wHa ; 1-[2])
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2005-06-03

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