O. Cairo CG 25659
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96043; O. Cairo SR 01174
Description: Limestone, 10 x 17 cms. Damaged. One side with 9 lines in black ink. L. 1-2 have lost the beginning. Checking marks by the scribe in l. 1, 4, 7-9 .
Classification: list : labour - name
Keywords: inactivity
Provenance: Valley of Kings; Davis/Ayrton excavations 1905-1906; mark: P.A. (south side of KV 35 gully); see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 297.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 51-52 (description), 72* (transcription), pl. LXVII (facsimile)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: E nd dyn. 20 - beginning dyn. 21 (Černý)
Contents: List of nine names, in five cases followed by wsf 'inactive'.
Terminology: wsf (1, 4, 7, 8, 9)
Names/Titles: Imn-m-HA.t (4); In-Hr-nxt (8); anx=f (6); Wn-nfr (9); MnTw-Hr-wnmy=f (7); OAy-Sri sA PA-an-xa (3); Incomplete: [ ... ] (1, 2); Nxt-[ ... ] (5)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2005-06-03

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