O. Cairo CG 25788
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96226; O. Cairo SR 01389; O. Cairo Carnarvon 278
Description: Limestone, 6.5 x 9.5 cm. Black ink, obverse 5 lines, reverse 3 lines, top obverse = bottom reverse. Damaged; beginning of obv. 2, ends of obv. 2, 5 and rev. 1 lost, only traces of obv. 1.
Classification: journal : event
Keywords: departure - village
Provenance: Valley of Kings, valley between KV 7 (Ramesses II) and KV 9 (Ramesses VI) ; Carnarvon/Carter excavations 1920-1921 (see Remarks); mark: 278; see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 328 .
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 88, 111*, pl. CVI (description, transcription, facsimile); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 87 (translation); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 158 and 159 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: epagomenal day 3 (obv. 4); epagomenal day 4 or epagomenal day 5 (obv. ~5#); I Ax.t sw 1-4 (rev. 1, ~1#, 2)
Dates attributed: end Dyn. 19 (Černý); Merenptah (Kitchen); year 6 Merenptah? (Helck)
Contents: Journal of activities of the necropolis workmen, mentioning "standing at the entrance of the valley" on an unknown date, being "in the village" on the 3rd epagomenal day, something being finished(?) on I Ax.t 3, and sailing north by a person on the following day. See Remarks.
Terminology: iw=w m pA dmi (obv. 4-5)
Names/Titles: tA In.t (geo.; obv. ~2#-3) ; aA-m-Mn-nfr (obv. ~2# - or aA =f -m-Mn-nfr (?); see Remarks ); Rm ( im.y-r Hmw.w ; obv. 3); 4tX (deity; epagomenal day; obv. 4) ; pA dmi (geo.; obv. 4-5)
Remarks: Provenance: Černý has "1922"(sic). Content: related to O. SCA KV 2008 A/G0. Names, Titles: the name in obv. 2 is aA-m-Mn-nfr or aA=f-m-Mn-nfr , rather than 2a-m-Mn-nfr (as read by Cern Helck and Kitchen); see also O. SCA KV 2008 A/G0.

Record last updated 2012-08-08

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