O. Cairo CG 25792
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96231; O. Cairo SR 01394; O. Cairo Carnarvon 415
Description: Limestone, 14 x 12 cm. Black ink, one side, 9 lines. Damaged; unknown number of lines lost on top, only beginning and traces of end of line 1.
Classification: journal : event - labour
Keywords: arrival - funeral - gang - inactivity (?) - inspecting work - tomb (royal) - tools - working
Provenance: Valley of Kings, lower stratum east of KV 47 (Siptah) ; Carnarvon/Carter excavations 1922; mark: 415; see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 331.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 89 and 90, 112*, pl. CVIII (description, transcription, photograph); Altenmü ller, GM 171 (1999), 13-18 (translation, commentary); Altenmü ller, SAK 23 (1996), 1-9 (translation lines 5-9; commentary); Altenmüller, in: Ir a busca le , 16-18 (translation, commentary); Hao, JAC 26 (2011), 85 and 86 (description, transcription, transliteration, translation); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 192 and 193 (translation); Helck, in The Intellectual Heritage of Egypt , 270 (translation lines 5-9; commentary); Krauss, SAK 5 (1977), 150 and 151 (translation lines 5-9; commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 414 and 415 (transcription); Ventura, Living in a City of the Dead , 147 (transliteration and translation of lines 5-8)
Dates mentioned: II Ax.t sw 24 (3); IV Ax.t sw 19-22 (5, 7, 8, 9)
Dates attributed: end Dyn. 19 (Černý); Siptah-Tausert ( Hao, Kitchen); year 4 Siptah (Altenmü ller); year 7 Siptah-Tausert (Helck)
Contents: Journal recording dates of II and IV Ax.t : progress of work at the royal tomb, visit by the vizier 1r , and a (royal) burial.
Terminology: iw=tw Hr bAk (7); aHa ir.n NN (3-4); hrw pn (3, 5, 8); hrw n [...] (1); spr ir.n NN (5-6); Ssp bAk.w (2)
Names/Titles: an. (aA n is.t 2; 3); an. (nA Hwty.w ; 7); an. (pA sAw.t.y ; 4); an. (pA sS ; 4); tA In.t (geo.; 6); 1r (TAy-xwy Hr wnmy n nswt im.y-r Niw.t < TAty >; [1?], ~5#-6)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2013-08-23

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