O. Cairo JE 72457
Other nos.: O. Cairo SR 01472
Description: Limestone, 8.5 x 12 cm, two large disconnected fragments, each of which consisting of three joining fragments. Inscribed on two sides, obverse 7 lines in black ink and red ink, reverse 6 lines in black ink. Top obverse = top reverse. Palimpsest on obverse. Damaged: ends of obverse 1-2, 5 lost, middle of obverse 1-6 lost, only traces remain of obverse 7, beginnings of reverse 4-6 lost, beginning of reverse 3 effaced, middle of reverse 1-6 lost. Correction by scribe in obverse 6 .
Classification: account : deficit(?) - portion
Keywords: firewood - grain rations - servant - side (of gang) - water
Provenance: Valley of Kings; Davis excavation
Publication: Ewais, BCPS 39 (2022), 165-184 (photographs, facsimile, transcription, transliteration, translation, commentary)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: First half dyn. 19, Ramesses II (Ewais)
Contents: An account of grain -, water - and firewood rations, and some rations measured in hin to the work gang.
Terminology: ir n (obv. 2, 4, 6); aHa n wDA.t (rev. 5); wa nb (obv. 2, 4, 6); wnmy (rev. 2); smHy (rev. 2); dmD (obv. 3, 5, rev. ~6#); Incomplete: ir n pA aHa n mw [...] 2r (rev. 3); [...] n Xr.t-rnp.t Hr tA ri.t (rev. 5)
Names/Titles: an. ( pA aA n is.t ; obv. ~1#, 3, ~5#); an. ( pA sS ; obv. 1, ~5#); an. ( pA iAw ; obv. 2); an. ( Hm .w .t ; f.; obv. ~2#, 4, ~6#)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2023-02-13

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