O. Cairo prov. no. 348
Other nos.: O. Cairo Mond 348
Description: Measurements presently not available. Inscribed in red ink, 3 lines. Damaged: only a few signs remain of line 1, beginning and end lost of line 2, only traces remain of line 3; see Remarks.
Classification: note(?)
Keywords: -
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 330 (transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 440 (translation).
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 1 [....] (1?)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 1 Ramesses IV (Kitchen); dyn. 20, year 1 Ramesses VI (Helck).
Contents: A note(?) mentioning the vizier Nfr-rnp.t .
Terminology: -
Names/Titles: Nfr-rnp.t (im.y-r Niw.t TAty ; ~2#)
Remarks: Description: Černý, Notebook 101.19.

Record last updated 2003-04-11

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