O. DeM 00038 | |
Other nos.: | O. IFAO 00201 |
Description: | Yellow-red pottery (vase fragment), 37 x 22 cms. Complete. One side, with 23 lines in black ink. The ostracon is broken into 7 pieces; lines 1-2 have lost the endings, l. 17 shows a lacuna in the middle. In l. 10 there is an erasure by the scribe. Correction by the scribe in l. 1, 12. |
Classification: | account - journal : delivery - duty - event - labour - name - portion |
Keywords: | appointment - arrival (?) - beer - bread - dates - firewood - fish - gang - grain rations - hearing - message - passing (guard posts) - pottery - procession - side (of gang) - Valley of Kings - vegetables - working |
Provenance: | Deir el-Medina, Kom de decombres au sud du village (according to Clere MSS.); mark: 19.1.30 KS / 20.1.30 KS (19-01-1930 and 20-01-1930) |
Publication: | Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh [I] , 10 (description), pl. 18-19 (transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 551-552 (transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 334-335 (outline of content) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 32 II Smw sw 1-30 (1-22); I Smw sw 30 (7); I Smw (10) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, year 32 Ramesses III ( Černý, Kitchen, Helck ) |
Contents: | Delivery of various commodities; duty roster; events: Imn-xa becomes scribe of the Necropolis (2); a dispatch arrives while the gang is in the field (2-3); the gang listens to someone's deposition (4); giving out of rations (obverse, 10); procession of Nfr.t-ir.y (12); passing of the guard posts (22). |
Terminology: | iw=w bAk (above 1, 6); iw m Dr.t pA od (7); aHa r sDm r=f (4); wnmy (4, 5, 11, 14, 18); wDA.t (17); wDA.t pA od (23); wDA.t pA od n Abd ? (17); m Dr.t NN (1, 8, ~8#, 9, 9, 12, 15, 16, 16, 16); n Abd ? (7, 7, 10, 17); r=f (4, in iw tA is.t aHa r sDm r=f ); Hr a.wy NN (13); smHy (5, 13); di.t di.w n Abd ? (10; in iw=tw di.t di.w n Abd ? ) |
Names/Titles: | an. (pA od ; 7, 17, 23); an. (sS n pA 2r ; 2); Any-nxt (8, 21); Ii-r-niw.t=f (8, 21); Imn-Htp (9, 9, 16); Imn-xa (2); Ir.y-aA (6, 19); Wsr-HA.t (5, 18); PA-nSn.y (12); Pn-ano.t (13, 13); Pn-PA-xnty (15); PtH-ms (8, 9, 16); Mnw-xa (19); MnTw-Htp (16); MH.y (1); Ms (2); Nfr-Hr (21); Nfr.t-ir.y (f.; deity; 12); Nxw-m-Mw.t (11); Nxt-Mnw (15); Ns-Imn (11); Ra-mry (1); RSw-ptr=f (15); 1r-Sri (6, 20); 1r (4, 18); 2a-m-Nwn (11); 4x.t (geo.; 3) ; Incomplete: Imn -[...] (~16#) |
Remarks: | According to Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh [I] , p. 10 n. 1, O. DeM 038 and 039 both come from the same vase, but were written after the vase was broken. O. DeM 0 0032 - O. DeM 0 0047 were all written by the same scribe; see Donker van Heel, Haring, Writing in a Workmen's Village , 72-82. |