O. DeM 00086
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00675
Description: Limestone , 14 x 18.5 cms. Damaged. One side with two columns of 8 and 11 lines respectively, in black ink. Right upper and lower left corner show damage to the writing in I 1-2 and II 10-11.
Classification: account : list - portion
Keywords: grain (?) - servant - textile
Provenance: Found during the 1932 - 1933 IFAO campaign.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh [I] , 23 (description), pl. 53 (transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions III, 563-564 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: [...] sw 10 (I 1); sw 11 (I 6)
Dates attributed: D yn. 19 (Černý) ; Ramesses II (Kitchen)
Contents: Issue of grain; list of clothing.
Terminology: wDA.t iny.t (II ~10#)
Names/Titles: an. (Hm.t (f.); I 8); Nfr-ab.t (I ~3#, 7); Nxt-Imn (I ~2#); Ra-ms sA Nbw-wbn (I 5); Ra-Htp (I 1); 1r-ms (I 4, 6)
Remarks: Possibly a water / grain issue instead of a grain issue.

Record last updated 2006-07-26

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