O. DeM 00117
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00410
Description: Fragment of red pottery dish with rim, 10 x 11.5 cm. Black ink, one side (inner side of dish), 4 lines. Complete, minor damage at the end of line 1.
Classification: letter
Keywords: textile - vegetables
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 2, pls. 3 and 3A (description, transcription, facsimile); Kitchen, Pharaoh Triumphant , 198 (translation); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 41, no. 15.A (translation, commentary); Wente, Letters , 156, no. 228 (translation)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19 (Černý), Ramesses II (Wente)
Contents: Letter from Nbw-Hr-mAa.w to her sister Nb.t-Iwn.t about the transfer of a tunic and the picking(?) of vegetables (Hw wAD.w ).
Terminology: Hna Dd (2); Dd.n NN NN (1)
Names/Titles: Nb.t-Iwn.t (sn.t of Nbw-Hr-mAa.w ; f.; ~1# = Nb.t-Iwn.w ? see Remarks); Nbw-Hr-mAa.w (f.; 1)
Remarks: Nb.t-Iwn.t (~1#) = Nb.t-Iwn.w (O. DeM 0 0 116 obv. 1)? Note that ostraca DeM 0 0 116 and 0 0 117 also have consecutive IFAO-numbers: found together?

Record last updated 2006-07-26

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