O. DeM 00153
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00220
Description: Vase fragment of yellow-grey pottery, 25.5 x 17 cm, in 4 fragments. Obverse 19 lines (1-13 red ink, rest black), reverse 15 lines (black), top obverse = bottom reverse. Correction by scribe in rev. 14. Damaged, end of obv. 1 and middle of rev. 11-13 lost, obv. 15-19 rather effaced and in places illegible.
Classification: account - journal : deficit - delivery - duty - event - labour - name
Keywords: arrival - beer - dates - enemy(?) - firewood - fish - grain rations - pottery - side (of gang) - working
Provenance: Deir el-Medina, Kom de decombres au sud du village (according to Clere MSS.), 19-01-1930; mark: 19.1.30 KS
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 11 and 12, pls. 28 and 30 (description, transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 332 and 333 (translation); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 549 and 550 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: IV pr.t sw 30 (obv. ~1#?); IV pr.t (obv. 4); I Smw sw 4-17 (obv. 2, ~3#, 5, ~6#, ~7#, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ~18#); sw 21-30 (rev. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, ~13#)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Černý); year 31 Ramesses III and year 32 Ramesses III (Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: Daily guard duties, deliveries of grain rations, beer, dates, wood, fish, pottery. Deficits of wood and pottery. Obv. 16 and 17: communication by chief policemen about "the enemy" (pA xrw.y )? See Remarks.
Terminology: iw=w bAk (obv. 5, ~14#?, 15a, rev. 6); iw m Dr.t pA od (rev. 4); wnmy (obv. 14); wDA.t n pA xt (rev. 14); wDA.t n pA od (rev. 15); m Dr.t NN (obv. 4, 8-9, 13, 18, 19, rev. 2, 7, 10, 11, 13); m Dr.t=f (obv. 9); Ssp di.w n Abd ? (rev. 9); di.t di.w n Abd ? m Dr.t NN (obv. 3-4)
Names/Titles: an. ( nA Hr.y-mDAy ; obv. 16); an. ( pA xrw.y ; obv. 17? see Remarks); an. ( pA od ; rev. 4, 15); Imn-m-Ip.t (rev. 4); Imn-Htp ( sn of 4ry ; rev. 1); Imn-Htp (rev. 13); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra-nxt (obv. 18, rev. 2); Wsr-HA.t (obv. 14); PA-nSn.y (rev. 11); PA-sn (rev. 1); Pn-PA-xnty (obv. ~13#); PtH-ms (obv. 9, rev. 1, 10, 13); Mnw-xa (obv. 15); MnnA (obv. 18); Ms (obv. 12); Nfr-Hr (rev. 3); Nfr-Htp (obv. 6); Nxw-m-Mw.t (obv. 3, rev. 6); Nxt-Mnw (rev. 12); Ns-Imn (obv. 2, rev. 5); Ra-mry (obv. 11); RSw-ptr=f (obv. 10, rev. 13); 1r ( wHa ; rev. 11); 1r ( sS ; obv. 4); 1r (obv. 13); 2a-m-WAs.t (obv. 8); 2a-m-Nwn (obv. 5, rev. 7); 4ry (rev. 1; cf. 4dy ; see Remarks); Ks (obv. 7) Incomplete: [...] -m-Hb (rev. 7 - Imn-m-Hb ?)
Remarks: Content/Names, Titles: in o bv. 17 perhaps read pA xrw.y hAy "the enemy has come down"? Janssen, Village Varia , 158. Names, Titles: 4ry read as 4dy by Černý in O. DeM 0 0 144 and 0 0 145, but cf. O. DeM 0 0 151-0 0 153. See Janssen, BSEG 16 (1992), 44 (note 33); idem, Village Varia , 132 (g).

Record last updated 2024-07-09

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