O. DeM 00161 + O. Strasbourg H. 082
Other nos.: O. Berlin P 12640 + O. IFAO 00213
Description: Yellow-red pottery vase fragment, in 4 fragments: DeM 0161 (1 Berlin and 2 IFAO fragments) 17 x 17 cm (see Remarks); Strasbourg H. 082 13 x 11 cm. Black ink, obverse 12 lines, reverse 11 lines (9-11 in separate column to the left of 8), top obverse = top reverse. See Remarks. Obverse and reverse palimpsest. Damaged, beginnings of obv. 1-6 and ends of obv. 9 and 10 lost, large gaps in obv. 1 and 2; ends of rev. 3 and 6 lost, large gap in rev. 2, only traces of rev. 1; probably nothing lost at beginning of obverse and reverse (Černý).
Classification: account - journal : deficit - delivery - duty - event - name
Keywords: arrival - beer - bread - dates - document - firewood - fish - gang - goat - message - pottery - side (of gang) - term - vegetables - xtm
Provenance: DeM 0161: Deir el-Medina, Kom de decombres au sud du village (according to Clere MSS.), 20-01-1930; mark: 20.1.30 KS.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 14 and 15, pls. 37 and 38 (description and transcription of DeM frgt.); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 114 and 115 (transcription of DeM frgt.); Koenig, Ostraca Strasbourg , 7, pls. 26, 27 and 110 (description, transcription, facsimile and photographs of Strasbourg frgt.; see Remarks); see Remarks
Dates mentioned: sw 13 (O. DeM 0161 obv. ~2#); sw 14 (O. DeM 0161 obv. ~2#); sw 16-21 (O. DeM 0161 obv. [4], 4, 6, 7, 7, 8); sw 10 (O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 9); I Smw sw 20 (O. DeM 0161 obv. 9); IV pr.t [...] (O. DeM 0161 obv. 10); I Smw sw 10 (O. DeM 0161 obv. 11); sw 19-30 (O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. ~0#, 1, 2, 3, O. DeM 0161 rev. 4, O. Strasbourg rev. 4, ~4#, O. DeM 0161 rev. ~5#, O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. 5, ~5#, O. DeM 0161 rev. ~6#, 6, 7, O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. 7); III Smw sw 1-3 (O. DeM 0161 rev. 9, 10, 11)
Dates attributed: first half Dyn. 20 (Černý); year 1 Ramesses IV (Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: Guard duties; deliveries of wood, beer, bread, dates, vegetables, fish, goats, pottery; deficits of wood and pottery. O. DeM 0161 obv. 3 and 4 (= O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 4 and 5): visits by the high priest of Amun Ra-ms-sw-nxt .
Terminology: ii in NN (O. DeM 0161 obv. 4); ii ir.n NN (O. DeM 0161 obv. 3); iw m a=f ( O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 7? see Remarks; O. DeM 0161 obv. 8 = O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 9, O. DeM 0161 obv. 9); iw mH (O. DeM 0161 over obv. 8); ir n (O. DeM 0161 obv. 5, O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 6; see Remarks); wnmy (O. DeM 0161 obv. 6); wxA.w (O. DeM 0161 obv. 4 = O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 5; see Remarks); wDA.t n NN (O. DeM 0161 rev. 3, over rev. 3); wDA.t=f (O. DeM 0161 obv. 12, rev. 3); m Dr.t NN (O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 1, 7, O. DeM 0161 obv. 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, rev. 3, ~4#, 5, 8, 9); mi.t.y (O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 3; see Remarks); nfr.y.t r (O. DeM 0161 obv. 11); nty m wDA r Abd ? (O. DeM 0161 obv. 10); dmD (O. DeM 0161 obv. 6, 7, O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. 4)
Names/Titles: an. (Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 5); an. (pA od ; O. DeM 0161 over obv. 8, over rev. 3); Any-nxt (O. DeM 0161 rev. 6); Ii-r-niw.t=f (O. DeM 0161 obv. ~4#); Imn-m-Ip.t (sS ; O. DeM 0161 obv. 5, ~9#); Imn-m-Ip.t (O. DeM 0161 rev. 7); Imn-m-In.t (O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. 6); Imn-nxt sA Ks (O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. 3 ; see Remarks ) ; Imn-nxt (O. DeM 0161 obv. 8, O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. 2); Imn-Htp (sS-od ; O. DeM 0161 rev. 5); Imn-Htp (O. DeM 0161 obv. 10); Ir.y-aA (O. DeM 0161 obv. 2); Wsx-nmt.t (O. DeM 0161 obv. 6); BAk-n-Imn (O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. 5); BAk-n-2nsw (O. DeM 0161 obv. 8, rev. ~3#); PA-ds (O. DeM 0161 obv. 7, 8, rev. 4, 5); Pn-ano.t (O. DeM 0161 rev. 11); Pn-pA-iw (O. Strasbourg H 082 obv. 2 - or Pn-pA-mr ); Pn-6A-wr.t (O. DeM 0161 obv. 7); PtH-ms (O. Strasbourg obv. 7, O. DeM 0161 obv. 7, rev. 3, 8, 9); MAA.n=i-nxt=f (O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. 4); Nb-nxt (O. DeM 0161 obv. 4); Nfr-Hr (O. DeM 0161 rev. 6); Nfr-Htp (O. DeM 0161 rev. 10); Nxw-m-Mw.t (O. DeM 0161 obv. 7, O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. ~1#); Ns-Imn (O. Strasbourg H 082 rev. 7 = O. DeM 0161 rev. 8); Ra-ms-sw-nxt (Hm-nTr tp.y ; O. DeM 0161 obv. ~3#, 4); 2a-m-Nwn (O. DeM 0161 rev. 9); 6A-Sri (O. DeM 0161 rev. 4)
Remarks: Description: Černý's "17 x 17 cm" for DeM 0161 probably applies to IFAO fragments only. The line numbers assigned to the DeM and Strasbourg fragments by the editors do not correspond: DeM obv. 1-9 = Strasbourg obv. 2 -10; DeM rev. 2-8 = Strasbourg rev. 1-7. The data are here referred to by the line numbers of the separate pieces. Publication: the transcription of Strasbourg H. 082 by Koenig differs considerably from Černý Notebook 35.64; for some corrections see Müller, LingAeg 7 (2000), 278 and 279. See also Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 363, 365 and 366. Terminology: read Xr ky mi.t.y in Strasbourg H. 082 obv. 3; dets. at beginning of obv. 5 are those of wxA.w ; in obv. 6 read ir n instead of ds ; at the end of obv. 7 possibly iw m a=f ; cf. Müller, LingAeg 7 (2000), 278. Names, Titles: Imn-nxt sA Ks (Strasbourg H. 082 rev. 3) and Imn-m-In.t (rev. 6) as read by Müller, LingAeg 7 (2000), 279.

Record last updated 2024-07-09

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