O. DeM 00323
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00812
Description: Dark red pottery, 14 x 12 cm. Black ink, one side, 6 lines. Damaged; first line quite effaced in middle, only a trace of last line.
Classification: account : delivery
Keywords: firewood - fish - side (of gang)
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh IV, 22, pl. 26 (description, transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 93 (translation); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 167 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: IV Ax.t sw 20 (1); III Ax.t sw 12 (4)
Dates attributed: second half Dyn. 19 (Černý); Merenptah (Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: Deliveries of fish and firewood for one or both sides of the gang.
Terminology: Xr HA.t (5); tA ri.t wnmy m Dr.t NN (3); dmD (~6#) Incomplete: tA ri.t ... m Dr.t NN (1 - either tA ri.t wnmy m Dr.t NN or tA ri.t smHy m Dr.t NN )
Names/Titles: Inpw-m-Hb (sS ; 3); Nfr-Htp (sS ; ~1#)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2006-07-27

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