O. DeM 00655
Other nos.: O. IFAO 01307; O. IFAO inv. no. SA 04006
Description: Red pottery sherd, 10.5 x 10 cm, in two fragments. Black and red ink, one side 11 lines. Damaged, ends of all lines lost, beginning of line 6 effaced. Only first word in line 9 in red ink. See Remarks
Classification: account - journal : delivery - labour - name
Keywords: apportioning - cattle - fat - firewood - inactivity - place - plaster - side (of gang) - working
Provenance: Deir el-Medina, Grand Puits, 13-03-1949 and 17-03-1949
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir el Medineh [VII], 7-8, pl. 14 (description, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 616-617 (transcription); see Remarks
Dates mentioned: I pr.t sw [...] (~8#0; sw 6 (9); sw 14 (11); sw 18 (3); sw 26-30 (~6#, 6, ~6#, 7, 7, 7); sw [...] (between 1 and 2); sw [...] (~6#). See Remarks
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, Ramesses III (Kitchen); year 5 Ramesses IV (Helck)
Contents: Journal listing working or inactivity for several days in IV Smw and I pr.t , and deliveries of commodities.
Terminology: iw n NN m Dr.t NN (2); ir n (4); wnmy (3, ~7#); wsf (7); bAk (3, 7, 9); pS pA aD (between 6 and 7); smHy (8, 10?); s.t tn (6)
Names/Titles: an. (pA od ; 8); an. (pA oD ; ~3#, 8, 10); Imn-m-In.t (2); BAk-n-wrnr (4); BAk-n-2nsw (~1#) ; 1r (sS ; 11) Incomplete: pA [...] or PA [...] (~3# - pA oD ? ); PA-Ra-m-Hb (~10# - written PA-Ra-Hb ?)
Remarks: Description and Contents: Černý remarks that O. DeM 0656 is possibly part of this ostracon. Publication: see also Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 395 and 396. Dates mentioned and Contents: probably the dates in lines 1-8 refer to IV Smw and thereafter to I pr.t.

Record last updated 2006-07-28

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