O. DeM 00828 + O. Vienna H. 01 | |
Other nos.: | O. IFAO 00628 ; O. Vienna Aeg. 01 |
Description: | Reddish-brown pottery, which has become yellowish brown at the surface, 31.5 x 28.7 cm. Two joining fragments: (1) O. DeM 0828 forms the upper right corner of (2) O. Vienna H. 01. Inscribed on the convex side in black ink, 14 lines, numbered 14, 1, 2, ...13 by the editors. Complete, but middle of line 5 effaced, beginnings and middle of lines 9, 11 effaced, beginning of line 10 effaced. |
Classification: | inventory - list : name |
Keywords: | basketry - bread - coffin - inspection - jewelry - leather - medicine - metalwork - oil - papyrus - pottery - sandals - seal - stone-work - stone vessel - textile - tomb (private) - vessel - woodwork ; see Remarks |
Provenance: | O. DeM 0 0 828: Deir el-Medina, Kom Sud (?), 19-01-1930, O. Vienna H. 01 acquired by the Hofbibliothek from J. Krall in 1899 (see Remarks) . |
Publication: | Zonhoven, JEA 65 (1979) 89-98, pl. XI (photograph, transcription, translation, commentary); Goedicke, WZKM 59/60 (1963/1964), 2, pl. 1 (O. Vienna H. 01: photograph, transcription, description); Grandet, Ostraca Deir el-Medineh VIII, 11, 76, 212 (O. DeM 0 0 828: photograph, facsimile, transcription, transliteration, translation, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 504-505 (transcription), McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 69-72 no. 41 (translation) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 25 I Smw 9 (1) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, year 25 Ramesses III (Zonhoven; Kitchen, Grandet). |
Contents: | Inventory of items in a ruined tomb. After the survey the tomb is stated to be sealed in the presence of several witnesses. |
Terminology: | nty im=f (9); nty m-im=f (6, 8); r rdi.t rx=tw pA Snw n ix.t nb gmy.t tA aHa.t (1-2) |
Names/Titles: | Imn-nxt (sS ; 13); Imn-nxt sA Ipwy (sS ; 2-3); Ir-sw (12); aA-nxt (12); Wsr-HA.t (12); Pn-Mn-nfr (sAw ; 11); Nfr-Hr (13); Nfr-Htp (AT.w ; ~11#); 1y-nfr (13); 2a (aA n is.t ; 10); 2a-m-Ip.t (AT.w ; ~11#); 2a-m-Nwn (12); 2nsw (aA n is.t ; 10); |
Remarks: | Keywords: pottery includes a Tb - vessel (7), the material of which usually was pottery, but occasionally also lead, see Janssen, Commodity Prices , 433-434. Woodwork includes nSi -containers, the material of which apparently was ivory, see Zonhoven, JEA 65 (1979) 96. Provenance: for O. Vienna H 01 see H. Loebenstein, in: Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer , Vienna, 1983, 14 (reference here due to A. Zdiarsky). The indication by Goedicke, WZKM 59/60 (1963/1964) , 1 , is therefore not correct for this ostracon. |