O. DeM 00888
Other nos.: O. IFAO 01896; O. IFAo inv. no. SA 06695
Description: Limestone, 5.5 x 8 cm. Inscribed on one side in black ink, 3 lines. Damaged: beginnings of lines 1-2 lost, only a few signs remain of line 3.
Classification: note : event(?)
Keywords: appointment(?) - junior - wages
Provenance: Deir el-Medina, Kom du Grand Puits, 14-12-1950.
Publication: Grandet, Ostraca Deir el-Medineh IX, 3, 62, 197 (photograph, facsimile, transcription, description, transliteration, translation, commentary).
Dates mentioned: epagomenal day 3 (~2#(?); see Remarks )
Dates attributed: End dyn. 19 (Grandet).
Contents: A fragmentary note on PA-Ra-m-Hb (see Remarks) being under the supervision of some unknown authority, and the appointment of youngsters, or the ascending to the work place by youngsters.
Terminology: Incomplete: [ ...] NN wn Xr Dr.t NN [...] (1 -[2]? )
Names/Titles: an. ( nA n mnH.w ; 2 - or nA mnH.w ?); PA-Ra-m-Hb ( [...] ; ~1# - see Remarks )
Remarks: Date(s) mentioned: the missing beginning of line 2 is reconstructed as Hry.w rnp.t ms . w.t 1r( ?) by Grandet, Ostraca Deir el-Medineh , 62. Contents, Names, Titles: title of PA-Ra-m-Hb (obv. 1) reconstructed as sS-od by Grandet, Ostraca Deir el-Medineh IX, 62 .

Record last updated 2007-02-01

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