O. IFAO 00265
Other nos.: -
Description: Pottery (vase fragment), measurements at present not available. Two sides: on obverse remains of 9 lines and on reverse remains of 4 lines in black ink. Damaged. Broken off on all sides except left edge on obverse; beginnings of all lines on obverse and on reverse lost, line 9 on obverse entirely effaced. Blank space above line 1 on obverse and below line 4 on reverse. Top obverse = bottom reverse.
Classification: account - journal : deficit - delivery - duty
Keywords: beer - grain rations - pottery - side (of gang) - vegetables - wood
Provenance: Deir el-Medina; found 18.1.30 (18-01-1930), KS (Kom de decombres au sud du village, according to Clere MSS)
Publication: Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 302 (outline of content) ; see Remarks
Dates mentioned: sw 24 (obv. 7); sw 30 (rev. ~1#)
Dates attributed: Mid dyn. 20, reign of Ramesses III (see Remarks); year 29 Ramesses III (Helck)
Contents: Deliveries of various commodities on several days; probably the mentioning of the workman Irsw on duty (see Remarks) and on the reverse a note about the delivery of grain rations.
Terminology: iw mH (obv. 2); wnmy (obv. 6, rev. ~2#); wDA.t (rev. 1); wDA.t pA od (obv. 1); m Dr.t NN (obv. ~3#, 8); smHy (obv. 6); di.t di.w (rev. 2)
Names/Titles: Ir-sw (obv. 7 (written Ii-sw )); 2a-Hr-mtr (obv. 8 (written 2a-mtr )); 7A-aA (in-mw ; obv. ~5#; rev. ~4#). Incomplete: 4 [...] (obv. 3 (for 4ry ?)
Remarks: Publication: see also Černý Notebook 103.116 (transcription) . Date attributed and Contents: on account of the name of the workman Ir-sw 'on duty' in obv. 7; according to the duty-roster Ir-sw being on duty on a day 24 only fits in year 23 IV pr.t 24, year 25 I Smw 24 (but this date is covered by O. DeM 169 obv. 4) or year 28 II Smw 24.

Record last updated 2011-06-14

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