O. IFAO 00311 | |
Other nos.: | - |
Description: | Limestone, 8 x 6.5 cm. Two sides; obverse: remains of four lines; reverse: several signs in hieratic. Red ink. Damaged; broken on all sides, except possibly at the top. Top obverse = bottom reverse. |
Classification: | account : payment(?) - transfer(?) |
Keywords: | leather - payment(?) |
Provenance: | Deir el-Medina; found 26.12.31 (26-12-1931) E 290 (east of tomb no. 290, according to Clere MSS) |
Publication: | Unpublished; Černý Notebook 103.130 (description, transcription) |
Dates mentioned: | - |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, p robably Ramesses III or later; see Remarks |
Contents: | Account mentioning the idn.w 1Ay and a piece of leather. |
Terminology: | ir n (obv. 3); Incomplete: r rdi.t rx=tw ix.t [...] (obv. 1) |
Names/Titles: | 1Ay (idn.w ; obv. ~2#) |
Remarks: | Date attributed: on account of the idn.w 1Ay (DvH) |