O. IFAO 00344
Other nos.: -
Description: Pottery, 11 x 10.5 cm. One side with six lines in black ink, the last being a blank line. Damaged; the left has broken away, causing loss of writing. The beginning of line 4 is effaced.
Classification: account : transfer
Keywords: metalwork - vegetables - vessel
Provenance: Deir el-Medina; found 4.1.31 (04-01-1931) ST (Region basse au sud du temple, according to Clere MSS)
Publication: Unpublished; Černý Notebook 103.7
Dates mentioned: M xr (II pr.t ; 3)
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Account listing several transfers of vegetables and a metal vessel.
Terminology: wHm di.t n=f (3) Incomplete: rdy.t n=f [...] (4 (?)); rdy.t n=f r [...] (1)
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2022-07-08

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