O. IFAO 00388 | |
Other nos.: | HO 69, 2 |
Description: | Limestone, 13.5 x 9 cms (if facsimile is on scale of 1:1). Two sides; obverse: six lines; reverse: six partly effaced lines. Black ink. Damaged; left of obverse and right of reverse gone. Top obverse = top reverse. |
Classification: | protocol : oath - transfer |
Keywords: | cattle - oath |
Provenance: | No indication, but bought at Luxor in January 1933. |
Publication: | Černý-Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , 20 (description) and pl. 69-69A no. 2 (facsimile, transcription); Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 195 no. 195 (translation, commentary) ; Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 425, 431 (translation) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 2 III Smw sw 13 (obv. 1); I pr.t sw 20 (?) (rev. ~1#); [...] Ax.t sw 30 (rev. 4) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, year 2 Ramesses V ( Černý-Gardiner, Allam, Helck ) ; also year 3 Ramesses V (Helck) |
Contents: | Obverse: a workman lodges a complaint against the policeman PA-sd , who swears an oath that he will deliver an ox by a certain date or else he shall pay double its price; reverse: oath about an ox, possibly by the same policeman. |
Terminology: | anx n nb anx wDA snb (obv. ~4#, rev. 3); m Dd (rev. ~3#) swD (obv. 5); smi in NN (obv. ~2#) |
Names/Titles: | nswt-bity nb-tA.wy Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4xpr.n-Ra anx wDA snb ( king ; obv. ~1#-2; rev. ~1-2#); PA-sd (mDAy ; obv. 3, rev. ~2# (?)) Incomplete: 1r (rmT-is.t ; or [... sA] 1r (rmT-is.t ) ; obv. 2-3) |
Remarks: | - |