O. MMA 09.184.713
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, 13 x 12 cm, three joining fragments. Inscribed on two sides in black ink, obverse 10 lines and on reverse only a slight trace. Damaged: only a few signs remain of obverse 1, 2, beginnings and ends of obverse 3-10 lost, gaps in obverse 6 and 7 , only a slight trace remains on reverse; see Remarks.
Classification: account : deficit - delivery
Keywords: bronze - grain - leather - medicine - metalwork - oil - stone utensils - textile - woodwork
Provenance: Valley of Kings (see Remarks)
Publication: unpublished; Cern Notebook 65.67 (description, transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: An account of deliveries of a wide range of items.
Terminology: iw (obv. 4, 4); wDA.t (obv. 4); nty im=sn (obv. 3?)
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: Description: based on Cern Notebook 65.67. Provenance: Cern Notebook 65.65.

Record last updated 2005-11-17

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