O. Medelhavsmuseet MM 14129
Other nos.: O. Medelhavsmuseet E 4129
Description: Limestone, 8.8 x 8.2 cm. Inscribed on two sides in black ink, obverse 3 lines, written upside-down between drawings of furniture in red ink, and some unidentified signs, reverse 1 line, and a number of workmen's marks (or 'funny signs') in red ink. Top obverse = perpendicular reverse. Damaged: beginnings of obverse 1-3 lost, end of obverse 1 lost, only a few signs remain of reverse 1.
Classification: account : payment - transfer
Keywords: grain(?) - payment - woodwork
Provenance: Luxor or Deir el-Medina. Presented to the Medelhavsmuseet by R. G. Gayer-Anderson in 1935. Mark: "E 4129", mark: "129 - R.G. Gayer-Anderson Collection".
Publication: Dorn, in: New Kingdom Hieratic Collections I, 222-223 (photographs of both sides, description, transcription, transliteration, translation, commentary); Killen and Weiss, in: Non-Textual Marking Systems , 143-144 (photograph, transcription, transliteration and translation of obverse; commentary); Peterson, Medelhavsmuseet Bulletin 7-8 (1973), 107, pl. 80 (description, photographs); see Remarks.
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: d yn. 19 or dyn. 20 (Peterson) ; dyn. 20 (Dorn) ; early dyn. 20 (Killen and Weiss)
Contents: Obverse: An account of a payment - transfer associated with Any-nxt . Reverse: workmen's marks (or 'funny signs') ; see Remarks.
Terminology: ir n (obv. 3); Incomplete: [...] NN r DbA (obv. 1)
Names/Titles: Any-nxt (obv. ~1#)
Remarks: Publication: the reading and transcription of the text was provided by R.J. Demaree. Content(s): similar figures of furniture are found in O. BM EA 05862, O. Munich 0398 recto, O. Turin N. 57140, O. Turin N. 57141, O. Turin N. 57523 (Demaree).

Record last updated 2024-08-15

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