O. Michaelides 008
Other nos.: O. Grdseloff 08
Description: Limestone, 11.5 x 17.7 cms. Two sides. Obverse: 6 lines in black ink. Reverse: 4(?) lines in black ink. Top obverse = bottom reverse. On obverse most lines are much rubbed off. On reverse all lines damaged, lines 3 and 4 entirely effaced.
Classification: account : payment
Keywords: apportioning - basketry - copper - ivory - leather (?) - mat - payment - Snw
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Goedicke-Wente, Ostraka Michaelides , 19 (description), pls. LX and LXI (facsimile, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 164 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: F irst half d yn. 20 (Goedicke-Wente)
Contents: A list of goods, with values indicated, given (?) as payment.
Terminology: ir n (obv. [2], 5, 6; rev. 1, 2); r rdi.t rx=tw ix.t nb i.DbA (obv. 1); dmD (rev. 2)
Names/Titles: Any-nxt (obv. 3); Imn-nxt sA RSw-ptr=f (obv. 4); 1Ay sA 1y (obv. 4); Ony-Mnw (obv. 2-3)
Remarks: Keywords: the word determined by the skin sign but left untranscribed Goedicke-Wente in obv. 5, was read by Janssen, Commodity Prices , 304-305, note 45 as Hti - end piece. The word after 'ivory' in rev. 2 was read by Janssen, JEA 50, 179 as pSi - comb.

Record last updated 2005-05-27

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