O. Michaelides 033
Other nos.: O. Grdseloff 24; see Remarks; O. Los Angeles County Museum of Art M 80.203.191
Description: Limestone, yellowish, 16 x 8 cms. Damaged. Two sides. Obverse: 16 lines in black ink. Reverse: 14(?) lines in black ink. Top obverse = bottom reverse. On obverse ends of almost all lines broken off, last two lines have suffered damages. On reverse all lines are damaged and lines 8 and 9 are entirely effaced. On the edge two damaged lines in continuation of reverse.
Classification: account - journal : delivery - event - transfer
Keywords: bread - beer - document(? see Remarks) - feast - fish - inactivity - plaster - pottery - side (of gang) - vessel - wood - woodwork
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Goedicke-Wente, Ostraka Michaelides , 20 (description), pls. LXVII and LXVIII (facsimile, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 612-613 (transcription); see Remarks
Dates mentioned: [III Ax.t ] sw 30 (obv. 1); IV Ax.t sw 1-2 (obv. 9-10); sw 3 (obv. 13); sw 4 (obv. 15); sw 5 (rev. 1); sw 6-7 (rev. 6 (?)-7); IV Ax.t sw 9 (line 2 on edge); III Ax.t sw x (line 1 on edge)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, Ramesses III (Goedicke-Wente, Kitchen); year 2 Ramesses IV (Helck)
Contents: For a series of consecutive days the daily deliveries are listed to both sides of the gang of workmen, as part of the wages. A note in between records the arrival of some work of the carpenter Rm via the scribe of the necropolis 1r . See Remarks.
Terminology: iny.t m Niw.t (obv. 7); wnmy (obv. 2, 13); wsf (obv. 1, 9, 10, 15; rev. 1); m Dr.t NN (obv. 2, 5, 11, 13, 14; rev. 3, 12); swD (obv. 12); smHy (obv. 5, 14; rev. 2); sS.w (obv. 12? see Remarks)
Names/Titles: an. (pA od ; obv. 3, 6); an. (pA oD ; obv. 4); Imn-m-wiA (rev. ~2#); BAk-n-2nsw (obv. 2); PA-tr (obv. 5; rev. ~3#, 12); Rm (Hmw.w ; obv. 11); 1w.t-1r (deity; f.; obv. 9); 1r (sS n pA 2r ; obv. ~11#-12); 2nsw-ms (obv. 13); 4tX.y (obv. 14); 7A-aA (obv. 3)
Remarks: Other numbers: this ostracon is transcribed as O. Grdseloff 24 in Černý Notebook 108, 9. Keywords, Terminology: read nA sS.w in obv. 12 instead of nA sS 1r (Goedicke, Wente)? Publication: see also Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 374 and 375. Contents: the signs after the dates in obv. 1, 9, 10, 15 and rev. 1 are wrongly transcribed by Goedicke-Wente: read wsf . Obv. 9: read xa (.w ) n.t (?) 1w.t-1r .

Record last updated 2011-10-18

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