O. OIM 18878
Other nos.: O. OIC 18878
Description: Limestone, 14 x 11 cm. Inscribed on one side in black ink, 6 lines. Damaged: beginnings of lines 1 - 6 lost, end of line 2 cancelled by scribe . Correction by scribe in line 6; see Remarks.
Classification: account : delivery
Keywords: dung - firewood - pottery - vessel
Provenance: no indication
Publication: unpublished; Cern Notebook 65.35 (description, transcription)
Dates mentioned: [...] pr.t sw 20 (1)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, year 3 Seti I (see Remarks).
Contents: An account of delivered firewood , dung and pottery; see Remarks .
Terminology: -
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: Description: based on Cern Notebook 65.35. Dating/Content(s): this ostracon belongs to a large group of ostraca of year 3: O. DeM 001-018, 022-024, 028, 048, O. Demaree H 5-7, H 8 (+ O. OIM 18880), O. Ashmolean Museum 0043, O. Royal Ontario Museum 906.23.

Record last updated 2005-11-17

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