O. Qurna 659/6
Other nos.: -
Description: Pottery fragment from the neck of an amphora, yellowish with slip on the outside, reddish on the inside; 8 x 15 cms. Two sides; outside: remains of six (?) mostly effaced lines and three oblique lines at the top left; inside: remains of four (?) perpendicular lines. Black ink. Damaged; probably broken on all sides. Top outside = left inside.
Classification: account (?) : deficit
Keywords: work (?)
Provenance: Qurna; excavated 1983 immediately in front of the German House.
Publication: For the electronic publication at Deir el Medine online, see Deir el Medine online (photograph, transcription, transliteration, translation, commentary)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: D yn. 19 or dyn. 20 (Burkard )
Contents: The writing is too effaced for a complete translation, but the mentioning of a deficit (twice) on the outside and that of an unknown commodity (with amounts) on the inside suggest that this may have been an account of some sort.
Terminology: wDA.t (outside top right 1 (in full), 2 (abbreviated)); Incomplete: [...] x [...] pAy=s ... (inside 1; for r rdi.t rx=tw pAys bAk.w (?)); see Remarks
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: Terminology: the reading bAk.w was hesitatingly suggested by Burkard.

Record last updated 2005-05-27

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