O. Toronto ROM 906.8.1176
Other nos.: O. Toronto B 4
Description: Limestone, 6.5 x 13 cm. Inscribed on one side with 3 lines in black ink. Damaged; broken off on all sides, beginnings and ends of all three lines missing. See Remarks
Classification: account : delivery
Keywords: basketry
Provenance: Acquired by J.G. Milne in Thebes in 1906.
Publication: Gardiner, in Theban Ostraca , 8 (description, partial transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (see Remarks)
Contents: Fragmentary list of items, some of basketry, with prices/values.
Terminology: iw m Dr.t [...] (~1#); ir n (1, 2~3)
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: Description: details according to a photograph provided by the Royal Ontario Museum, May 2008, and Gardiner Notebook 12.3. Date(s) attributed: on account of the palaeography (Demarée).

Record last updated 2011-11-22

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