O. Vienna H. 17
Other nos.: O. Vienna Aeg. 17
Description: Pottery sherd, red-brown on outside, 8 x 6 cm. Inscribed on one side in black ink(?), 4 lines. Damaged: only faint trace remaining of line 1, endings and beginnings of lines 2-3 lost, beginning of line 4 lost, unknown number of lines at top and bottom lost.
Classification: account (?)
Keywords: bread - grain (?)
Provenance: Acquired by H. Junker in Edfu; in the collection of the Hofbibliothek since 1911 (see Remarks)
Publication: Goedicke, WZKM 59/60 (1963/1964) 7, pl. XVII (facsimile, transcription, description).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Goedicke)
Contents: Fragment of an account including bread and grain (?).
Terminology: nty NN (? ; ~1#)
Names/Titles: incomplete: Wsr -[...] (? ; ~1#)
Remarks: Provenance: see H. Loebenstein, in: Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer , Vienna, 1983, 14 (reference here due to A. Zdiarsky).

Record last updated 2013-02-14

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