O. Vienna H. 18 | |
Other nos.: | O. Vienna Aeg. 18 |
Description: | Limestone, 13.5 x 17 cm. Inscribed on two sides in black in k (?), 6 lines obverse, last sign of obv. 1 is written on left edge, 8 lines reverse, reverse 8 is a workmen's mark (or 'funny sign')(?) with hieratic number '200' perpendicular to the other lines on the reverse. Top obverse = bottom reverse. Complete, but most of obverse 4-6 effaced. |
Classification: | account : deficit - expense - name |
Keywords: | alabaster(?) - beans - birds - curd - fish - fruit - gang - grain - grapes - lamp - medicine (?) - paint (?) - plants - salt - storehouse - rags - Valley of Kings - vegetables - Hnk.y.t ; see Remarks |
Provenance: | In the collection of the Hofbibliothek since 1958 (see Remarks) |
Publication: | Goedicke, WZKM 59/60 (1963/1964) , 7, pl. XVIII (photographs, transcription, description); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 234-235 (translation) ; Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 558 (transcription); Wimmer, Hieratische Paläographie I, 132-133 (transcription, description) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 16 (obv. 1, insertion between obv. 2-3, rev. ~1#); rnp.t-sp 17 (obv. ~6#) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, year 16 Ramesses III and year 17 Ramesses III (Goedicke, Helck, Kitchen, Wimmer) |
Contents: | A journal listing rags for lamps to the Valley of Kings, and deficits of victuals. |
Terminology: | wDA.t (rev. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); r a NN (obv. 3); r a tA is.t (obv. 3); HA.w r=f (obv. 6); r tA wDA.t n rnp.t-sp ? (rev. 1) |
Names/Titles: | Imn-nxt ( sS ; obv. ~4#); ax-p.t ( sS ; obv. ~5#); Ms (obv. 3) |
Remarks: | Keywords: S ign transcribed by editor as Sn (obv. 2 ) is actually Hnk ; read Hnk.y.t mn-grg . In obv. 3 read rr "pigment" (so Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 235 ), or pXr.t "medicine"? Sign transcribed by editor as Aa 2 (rev. 2-4) is actually V 19 ( XAr )? (Haring). Provenance: see H. Loebenstein, in: Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer , Vienna, 1983, 14 (reference here due to A. Zdiarsky). The indication by Goedicke, WZKM 59/60 (1963/1964) , 1 , is therefore not correct for this ostracon. |