P. Ashmolean Museum 1945.97 | |
Other nos.: | P. Gardiner 1; Naunakhte Document I |
Description: | Papyrus, 43 x 192 cm, in two halves (scroll broken in two when found), eight sheet joins (right over left) at intervals of 25.5 cm, leaving strips of 4 cm at the right end of recto and 11 cm at the left end. Black ink, recto (H/V) 6 columns: 19 lines in col. I (subdivision in two cols. formed by ll. 6-12 and 13-19), 7 lines in col. II, 11 lines in col. III, 12 lines in col. IV, 12 lines in col. V (with blank space between ll. 2 and 3), 5 lines in col. VI. Col. V, ll. 9-12 and col. VI in different hand. Verso (V/H) 1 line along edge (= right-hand edge of recto). Complete. |
Classification: | protocol : deposition - list - oath : division |
Keywords: | apportioning - bread - bronze - copper - document - grain - junior - metalwork - oath - oil - papyrus - place - servant - storehouse - tools - vessel - mtwn (see Remarks) - nmH - onb.t - grg-pr |
Provenance: | Acquired by A.H. Gardiner several years after 1928. |
Publication: | Černý, JEA 31 (1945), 29-36, pls. VIII, VIIIa and IX (photograph of recto; transcription, description, translation, commentary); Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 268-274, no. 262 (translation, commentary); Bierbrier, The Tomb-builders of the Pharaohs , 105, fig. 74 (photograph of recto I and II); David, Legal Register , 59-80, 90-98 (transliteration, translation, commentary); Grandet, Égypte, Afrique & Orient 25 (2002), 19-30 (translation, commentary); Grandet, in: Les artistes de Pharaon , 120, 121 and 314, no. 63a (photograph of recto V and VI, description, translation of recto, commentary, bibliography; see Remarks); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 430 and 432 (translation rt. I 6-19, rt. V 9-12 and rt. VI; see Remarks); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 236-240 (transcription; see Remarks); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 38-40, no. 14 (translation of recto I 1-7; II, 1-V, 2, commentary); R. Parkinson, Cracking Codes. The Rosetta Stone and Decipherment , London 1999, 157, fig. 50 (photograph recto V and VI); Pestman, Marriage and Matrimonial Property , 163 (translation of recto II 1-7, IV 1-3 and IV 7 - V 2, commentary); Theodorides, RIDA 11 (1964), 59 and 70, note 76 (translation of recto IV 1 - V 7); Theodorides, RIDA 12 (1965), 140 and 141 (translation of recto IV 7 - V 2); Theodorides, RIDA 13 (1966), 31-70 (translation, commentary); Theodorides, RIDA 16 (1969), 111 and 112 (translation of recto II 1-7); Wilson, JNES 7 (1948), 147, no. 105 (translation of recto V 9-12) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 3 IV Ax.t sw 5 xr Hm nswt bity nb tA.wy Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4xpr.n-Ra anx wDA snb sA Ra nb xay mi Itmw Ra-ms-sw Imn-Hr-xpS=f Mry-Imn anx wDA snb di anx D.t nHH (recto I 1-3); rnp.t-sp 4 III Ax.t sw 17 (recto V 9) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, year 3 Ramesses V and year 4 Ramesses V (Allam, Černý, David, Grandet, Helck, Kitchen, Theodorides) |
Contents: | Statement by the lady Niw.t-nxt.ti before the court ( onb.t ) about the division of her property - being one-third of the goods she shares with her present husband 2a-m-Nwn - among five of her children, who have supported her in her old age. Four children share in "the two-thirds of their father", but not in the property of Niw.t-nxt.ti 's former husband On-Hr-xpS=f . Later statement and oath by the workman 2a-m-Nwn , not to contest the division. See Remarks. |
Terminology: | ir ink (recto II 1); ir n (recto V 6); ir.w in NN (recto V 8); anx n nb anx wDA snb (recto V 12); ar.t hry.t i.ir NN n ix.t=w (~verso# /docket ); m bAH NN (recto VI 1); m mi.t.t (recto III 10, 11; IV 10, 11, 12; V 4, 5, 6); m Dd (recto V 10, 12); r rdi.t rx=tw nA rmT.w-is.t Hm.w.t (recto III 1); r rdi.t rx=tw nAy=s Xrd.w (recto IV 1); hrw pn ir.t hry.t n ix.t=s in NN m bAH onb.t tn (recto I 4-5); hrw pn wHm spr r onb.t in NN (recto V 9); sS.w (recto V 10); Dd=s (recto II 1; III 3, 8) |
Names/Titles: | Imn-PA-1apy ( rmT-is.t ; recto I 16); Imn-nxt ( AT.w ; recto I 17); Imn-nxt ( rmT-is.t ; recto III 5; cf. pAy 8 bAk.w Tn-my ; rt. II 2; pAy 8 Xrd.w ink ; recto V 1; nAy=f sn.w , i.e. of Nfr-Htp ? recto V 7); Imn-nxt ( sS n pA 2r ; recto I 8; V 8); Imn-Htp ( sS-od ; recto I 10); In-Hr-xa ( aA n is.t ; recto I 7; VI 1 - only 2a ); WAs.t-nxt.ti ( anx n niw.t ; f.; recto III 6, 10 - see Remarks; cf. pAy 8 bAk.w Tn-my ; rt. II 2; pAy 8 Xrd.w ink ; recto V 1; nAy=f sn.w , i.e. of Nfr-Htp ? recto V 7); Wsr-HA.t ( rmT-is.t ; recto I 14); Pn-6A-wr.t sA Nxt-Mnw ( AT.w ; recto VI 4-5); Pn-6A-wr.t ( sS-od ; recto I 13); MAA.n=i-nxt=f ( rmT-is.t ; recto III 2; cf. pAy 8 bAk.w Tn-my ; rt. II 2; pAy 8 Xrd.w ink ; recto V 1; nAy=f sn.w , i.e. of Nfr-Htp ? recto V 7); Mna.t-nxt.ti ( anx n niw.t ; f.; recto III 7, 7; IV 5; cf. pAy 8 bAk.w Tn-my ; rt. II 2; pAy 4 Xrd.w ink ; recto IV ~7#-8; pAy 8 Xrd.w ink ; recto V 1; nAy=f sn.w , i.e. of Nfr-Htp ? recto V 7); Niw.t-nxt.ti ( anx n niw.t ; f.; recto I 5; V 10; ~verso#; nmH.y .t n pA tA n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto II 1); Nb-nfr sA 2nsw ( rmT-is.t ; recto I 19); Nb-nfr ( rmT-is.t ; recto I 15); Nfr-Htp ( rmT-is.t ; recto IV 4; V 11; cf. pAy 8 bAk.w Tn-my ; rt. II 2; pAy 4 Xrd.w ink ; recto IV ~7#-8; pAy 8 Xrd.w ink ; recto V 1); Nxw-m-Mw.t ( aA n is.t ; recto I 6; VI 2); Ra-ms ( AT.w ; recto I 18; VI 4); 1nw.t-Sn.w ( anx n niw.t ; f.; recto IV 6; cf. pAy 8 bAk.w Tn-my ; rt. II 2; pAy 4 Xrd.w ink ; recto IV ~7#-8; pAy 8 Xrd.w ink ; recto V 1; nAy=f sn.w , i.e. of Nfr-Htp ? recto V 7); 1r-Sri ( sS ; recto I 9); 1r-Sri ( sS n pA 2r ; recto VI 3); 2a-m-Nwn ( rmT-is.t ; recto V 9); 2a-tA-nbw ( anx n niw.t ; f.; recto IV 7; cf. pAy 8 bAk.w Tn-my ; rt. II 2; pAy 4 Xrd.w ink ; recto IV ~7#-8; pAy 8 Xrd.w ink ; recto V 1; nAy=f sn.w , i.e. of Nfr-Htp ? recto V 7); On-Hr-xpS=f ( rmT-is.t ; recto III 3; cf. pAy 8 bAk.w Tn-my ; rt. II 2; pAy 8 Xrd.w ink ; recto V 1; nAy=f sn.w , i.e. of Nfr-Htp ? recto V 7); On-Hr-xpS=f ( sS ; hAy of Niw.t-nxt.ti ; recto IV 9); 6A ( rmT-is.t ; recto I 12); 6nr-MnTw ( rmT-is.t ; recto I 11) |
Remarks: | Keywords: for mtwn (recto III 4), see also P. Ashmolean Museum 1945.95 line 8; cf. twn in O. Ashmolean Museum 0103 obv. 7 and O. Ashmolean Museum 0272 line 3. Publication: incorrectly referred to as P. Ashmolean Museum 1945.95 by Grandet, Helck and Kitchen. Contents: for the connection between this document and the Chester Beatty, DeM and other Naunakhte papyri, cf. Pestman, in: Gleanings , 155. Names: WAs.t-nxt.ti (recto III 6, 10) = Wsr-nxt.ti (P. DeM 23 and P. DeM 25). |