P. Ashmolean Museum 1960.1283
Other nos.: P. Gardiner 8
Description: Strip of papyrus, 20 x 9.4 cm. Inscribed on two sides; on the recto 13 lines and on the verso 16 lines in black and red ink. Damaged; broken off at right and left edges and bottom; beginnings and ends of all lines on both recto and verso missing; in almost all lines on both recto and verso parts of text missing due to gaps; of verso 16 only traces subsist; unknown number of lines lost at the bottom of recto and verso. A sheet join can be observed running vertically through the middle of the recto.
Classification: account - journal : delivery - name
Keywords: bronze - copper - firewood - fish - gang - grain - grain rations - metalwork - tool
Provenance: Bought by N. de Garis Davies for A.H. Gardiner ('together with papyrus fragments from the Theban tomb of Sunero' (TT 331)), donated by the latter to the Ashmolean Museum in 1958 or 1960.
Publication: Eyre, JEA 66 (1980), 108-119, pls. XII and XIII (photographs, description, transcription, translation and commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 164-166 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: sw 10+x (recto ~1#, ~3 #, ~10#); IV pr.t (verso 1; 3); III pr.t sw 21 (verso ~6#); III pr.t sw 24 (verso 7); IV pr.t sw 1+x(?)(verso 9); IV pr.t sw 21 (verso 10); IV pr.t sw 11 (verso ~11#); IV pr.t sw 15 (verso 13); sw 26 (verso ~15#)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, reign of Merenptah (Eyre, Kitchen)
Contents: On the recto an account of the revenues of the crew, being work of the woodcutters, the coppersmith and the fishermen. On the verso an account of the grain rations for the months III and IV pr.t .
Terminology: iw m Abd ? sw ? (verso ~10#); ir n (recto ~13#; verso 2, 2, 4,10); wa nb (recto 2); fAy di.w (verso ~14#); m Dr.t NN (recto 9); mH n tA is.t (recto 4); rdy.t n NN [...] (verso 9); rdy.t r pA Htri n tA is.t m bAk.w n nA in-xt.w (recto ~1# (see Remarks); rdy.t r pA Htri n tA is.t m bAk.w n NN (recto ~10#); Ssp m a NN (recto 3); Ssp m bAk.w n NN (verso ~6#, ~7#, ~11#); Ssp m pA bAk.w n nswt (verso ~13#?); gmy.t im=s m bd.t (verso ~3#); gmy.t im=s m Sbn.w (verso ~1#, ~5#); tA is.t [...] pA bAk.w (verso 15); di.w n Abd ? in mn.t (verso ~1#, ~3#); di.w n tA is.t m hrw pn (recto 3); di.w r wDH (recto 6?); dmD (recto 2, 2, 6; verso ~8#, 12); [...] Hr.y in NN (recto 5); [...] Sbn.w (verso 2)
Names/Titles: an. ( pA mDAy ; recto ~5#); an. ( nA in-xt.w ; recto 1); Imn-m-Ip.t (recto 2); Imn-nxt ( TAy-mDA.t ; recto 4?); Inpw-m-Hb ( sS ; recto ~5#, 9); Pn-6A-wr.t ( sS ; recto 5; verso 14); Nfr-m-sn.w.t (recto ~6#); Nfr-Htp ( aA n is.t ; recto 12); 1r-m-wiA (recto ~8#); 4mn-tA.wy ( Hmt.y ; recto 3, ~6# without title, ~7#, without title, ~12# without title); 4tX ( wHa ; recto ~10#; verso ~6#, 11; written 4ti or 4tX.y ?); On-Hr-xpS=f ( sS ; recto ~13#). Incomplete: [...]-mAa.t (recto 2; Mry-mAa.t ?); [...] ( Hmt.y ; verso 9)
Remarks: Terminology: The final elements of the term rdy.t (recto 1) are omitted in the transcription by Eyre, JEA 66 (1980), 111, Fig. 1.

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