P. BM EA 10375
Other nos.: LRL 28; P. Salt 1821/238; 9 A.37
Description: Papyrus sheet, 44 x 24.5 cm. Damaged. Possibly palimpsest. A vertical sheet join is visible, 2.5 cm from the right border of the recto. The papyrus was rolled into a very thin roll, and is crushed into 21 very narrow strips, increasing in height from bottom to top, the bottom strip being 1 cm, the top one about 3.5 cm high. Recto H/V, verso V/H. Top recto = bottom verso. In black ink 29 lines on the recto and 16 lines (including address) on the verso. No blank margin left. Address at the bottom of the verso. Some fragments are lost, causing loss of text at the beginnings of recto lines 1-3 and the whole of line 8. Breaks along the folds have resulted in loss of writing in several places. Corrections by the scribe in recto 11 and 12.
Classification: letter
Keywords: arrival - boat - commissioning - death - departure - document - message - seal - sending out - servant - textile - tomb - working
Provenance: Acquired by the British Museum in 1821 with the collection of H. Salt formed in 1818 or 1819 in Thebes.
Publication: Černý, Late Ramesside Letters , XI and XVI (description), 44-48 (transcription); Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications , pls. 39-40 (photographs); Wente, Late Ramesside Letters , 59-65 (translation and commentary); Wente, Letters , 194-195 no. 315 (translation).
Dates mentioned: I Smw sw 18 (recto 12); I Smw sw 20 (recto 20); I Smw sw 29 (verso 15)
Dates attributed: Late dyn. 20 (Černý); year 10 of wHm ms.w.t of Ramesses XI (Wente)
Contents: A long letter to the General of Pharaoh PAy-anx from the two chief workmen, the scribe Bw-th-Imn and the guardian Kr , informing him that his letter sent with the Sherden 1r has arrived and been read aloud to all necropolis people; they will obey his orders. Further they explain the matter of the clothes, tell him they have accomplished certain specific commissions, i.a. finding an old tomb and ask the scribe 7ry to be sent to assist them in this matter. They sent this letter with the Medjay 0d-nxt ; see Remarks.
Terminology: m Dr.t NN (recto ~1#1; verso 15); NN NN m anx wDA snb m Hs.w.t (recto ~1-4#); NN NN (verso 16); r rdi.t am NN (verso 1, ~14-15#); r Dd (recto 20, ~22#; verso 3, 10); hAb (recto 10, 10, 20, 21; verso 1, 2, 3, 9-~10#, 14); Hna Dd (recto 10); smi (recto 23); Sa.t (recto 11, 17, 17, 19); ky Dd n NN (verso 2)
Names/Titles: an. ( wa 10.000 n bAk.w n pAy=n nb ; recto 27); an. ( pA aA 2 n is.t ; recto 3, 12, 18); an. ( pAy=f it ; father of pAy sS ; verso 7 - without name); an. ( psD.t=f ; of Imn 3nm.t-nHH ; deities; recto 6); an. ( nA Hwty.w n pA 2r ( nA written n ); verso 16); an. ( nA xmn.y.w aA.y.w Sps.y nty Htp 2ft-Hr-nb=s ; deities; recto 6); an. ( nA nTr.w n pA tA ; deities; recto 7); an. ( nA rmT n pA 2r ; recto 13, 18; rmT n pA 2r aA Sps.y n nb=n ; verso 2); an. ( nTr.w nb.w WAs.t ; deities; recto 5); an. (f.; tAy=n Hnw.t ; recto 25, 26, 27); Imn (deity; recto ~8#); Imn-pA-nfr ( rmT-is.t ; recto 15); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w (deity; recto 4, 4-5,~8# ( pAy=k nb anx wDA snb ), ~29#; verso ~14#); Imn 3nm.t-nHH (deity; recto 5-6); Bw-th-Imn ( sS n pA 2r (recto ~3-4#; recto 11, 12, 17 - only sS ); PA-Ra-1r-Ax.t.y (deity; recto 5); pA 6A-rsy (geo.; recto 16); PAy-anx ( TAy-xwy Hr wnmy-nswt sS-nswt im.y-r mSa Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w sA-nswt n KS im.y-r xAs.w.t rsy.w.t im.y-r Snw.t.y n Snw.t.y Pr-aA anx wDA snb HA.w.t.y n pD.w.t Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto ~1#-~3#; pA im.y-r mSa n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso 16 - without name; recto 10, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28, verso 1, 3, 3, 5, ~6#, 11, 15 - referrred to as pAy=n nb ; recto 27 - referred to as pAy=k nb ; recto 16 - referred to as pAy=w nb ); Mw.t (f.; deity; recto 5); Mr=s-gr Hnw.t Imn.t.t (f.; deity; recto 6-7); Niw.t (geo.; recto 9, 14, 24); 0d-nxt ( mDAy n pA 2r ; verso 15); 1r ( pA 5rdn pAy Sms.w n pAy=n nb ; recto ~11#); 1r-n-Imn-pna-n=f ( rmT-ist ; recto 15); 2nsw (deity; recto ~5#); Kr ( sAw ; recto ~4#, ~12#; recto 18 - pAy sAw only, without name); 7ry ( sS n pA 2r ; recto 25; verso 12 (written pr 2r ; recto 26 - sS only); 9Hwty-ms ( sS n pA 2r (written pr 2r ); recto ~23#; verso 6 - pAy sS only, without name)
Remarks: Contents: Together with this letter the Medjay 0d-nxt also took P. Turin Cat. 1971 (LRL 16) to Nubia.

Record last updated 2019-06-28

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