P. BM EA 10731 recto
Other nos.: -
Description: Papyrus, 19 x 33 cm. Black ink, two sides; recto (V/H) 3 lines with ample margins above, beneath and to the right; verso (H/V) 6 lines with margin beneath (see Remarks). Top recto = top verso. Recto and verso same hand. Palimpsest; traces of previous text on recto and verso. Damaged (fragmentary); ends of lines on recto lost, beginnings of lines on verso lost.
Classification: letter
Keywords: document - message
Provenance: Formerly in the possession of P.E. Newberry; after his death given to the British Museum by Mrs Newberry in 1950.
Publication: Edwards, JEA 54 (1968), 155-158, pls. XXIV and XXIV A (description, photograph, translation, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 181 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, second half (Edwards); Merenptah (Kitchen)
Contents: Model(?) letter by a royal fanbearer (and vizier?) to the scribe On-Hr-xpS=f . See Remarks.
Terminology: NN Dd n NN r nty (recto ~1-2#?); hAb (recto 3); sS pn (recto 2)
Names/Titles: On-Hr-xpS=f ( sS ; recto 2) Incomplete: [...] ( sS-nswt mry=f TAy-xwy Hr wnmy-nswt [...]; recto ~1#)
Remarks: Description, Contents: verso magical spell also mentioning the scribe On-Hr-xpS=f . For the connection between this document and the Chester Beatty, DeM and Naunakhte papyri, cf. Pestman, in: Gleanings , 155.

Record last updated 2019-06-14

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