P. Berlin P 10494
Other nos.: LRL 12; P. Suffrin
Description: Papyrus sheet, 22 x 22 cm. Damaged. Palimpsest. Recto V/H, verso H/V. Top recto = bottom verso. In black ink 12 lines on the recto and 8 lines (including address) on the verso. Address at the bottom of the verso. Some gaps at the edges and breaks due to folding have caused slight loss of writing in several lines on both recto and verso.
Classification: letter
Keywords: army - arrival - junior - message - Necropolis - payment(?) - temple
Provenance: Belonged formerly to Rev. A. E. Suffrin and was bought by the Berlin museum from A. C. Macintosh with the accompanying note that it had come (together with P. Ashmolean Museum 1945.93) "from a tomb in Upper Thebes in the year 1801".
Publication: Černý, Late Ramesside Letters , IX and XV (description), 23-24 (transcription); Burkard & Fischer-Elfert, Aegyptische Handschriften 4, 66 no. 91 (description, bibliography) ; Gardiner, PSBA 31 (1909), 5-13, pl. I-II (photographs, transcription, translation, commentary); Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications , pls. 53-54 (photographs); Wente, Late Ramesside Letters , 44-45 (translation and commentary); Wente, Letters , 176-177 no. 292 (translation)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Late dyn. 20 (Černý); year 2 of wHm ms.w.t of Ramesses XI (Wente)
Contents: A letter from the necropolis scribe 7ry and the army scribe Pn-tA-Hw.t-nxt to the deputy of the Estate of Amon-Re 1r informing him that they are living alone in the Temple (Medinet Habu) and that the necropolis workers have gone to Thebes. He is asked to send them back - nine men listed by name. Further he should not let any youth plot like 1r=f-r-niw.t=f and they inform him that nothing is yet known of the arrival of the Meshwesh/Libyans.
Terminology: NN NN m anx wDA snb Hs.w.t (recto ~1#-2); NN NN (verso 8); r rdi.t rx=k st (recto 10); hAb (verso 2); Hna Dd (recto 4)
Names/Titles: an. ( aDd aA ; verso 3); an. ( aS-HA.t ; verso 7); an. ( nA ms-2r.w ; recto 8); an. ( nA MSwS ; verso 5); an. ( nA rmT n pA 2r ; recto 9); an. ( nTr nb nTr.t nb.t ; recto ~3#); Imn (deity; recto 2, 2, 5); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w (deity; recto 1 (temple of), 2, 4; verso 8 (temple of)); Imn-Htp (recto 11); aDr (verso 1-2); Wn-Imn (recto 11); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb (king; temple of; recto 2); Bw-th-Imn (recto 12); PA-nxt-m-Ip.t sA PA-nb-ao.w (written PA-nxt-n-Ip.t ; recto 11); PA-Ra (deity; recto 2); PA-2r (verso 1); Pn-ns.t.y-tA.wy (recto 10); Pn-tA-Hw.t-nxt ( sS-mSa ; recto ~1#, 9; verso ~8#); PtH (deity; recto 3); Niw.t (geo.; recto 8, 10); Niw.t pA dmi (geo.; recto 5); Nfr-Imn (recto 10); 1r ( idn.w n pr Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w ; recto 1; verso 8); 1r-ms (recto 11); 1r=f-r-niw.t=f (verso 4); OA-DADA (recto 12); 6A 1w.t (temple; recto 6); 7ry ( sS n pA 2r ; recto 1; sS ; verso 8)

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