P. Berlin P 14485b+c | |
Other nos.: | - |
Description: | Papyrus, joining fragments: (b) 5.5 x 7 cm, (c) 2.5 x 4 cm; position of (c) is underneath (b). Black and red ink, recto 9 lines, verso 2 columns: verso I 8 lines, verso II 4 lines; top recto = top verso. Handwriting different from P. Berlin P 14448 and from 14485d. Damaged; beginnings of recto 6, 7, 9 and of all lines of verso I lost; ends of all lines on recto, of verso I 6-8 and of all lines of verso II lost. Only traces of verso I 1 and verso II 4. |
Classification: | journal : absence - delivery - name |
Keywords: | grain - hut - inactivity |
Provenance: | No indication |
Publication: | H. Fischer-Elfert, in: Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium , 101-104, 106 and 107, pls. XX and XXI (description, photographs, transcription, translation, commentary); G. Burkard, H. Fischer-Elfert, Aegyptische Handschriften 4 (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland XIX, 4), Stuttgart 1994, 75-76, no. 104 (description, transliteration of recto 2 and 6; commentary) ; Collier, Dating Late XIXth Dynasty Ostraca , 120-121, 154 (description, commentary) |
Dates mentioned: | I Smw sw 24 (recto 3); sw 25 (recto ~8#); [...] sw 4 (verso I ~7#?); [...] sw 5 (verso I 8); III Smw [...] (verso II 1); sw 11 (verso II 2?); sw 10 + x (verso II 3) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 19, Seti II or Siptah (Burkard, Fischer-Elfert) ; mid to late years Siptah (Collier) |
Contents: | Journal fragment recording the absence of workmen and a delivery of emmer wheat(?). |
Terminology: | wsf (over recto 6, recto 7); aHa [...] (recto 3?); m tA a.t (verso I 5); smHy (recto ~6#) Incomplete: [...] Hr Ssp bty (verso I 6?) |
Names/Titles: | Ipwy (recto ~1#?); Imn-nxt (verso I 5); PtH-Sd (recto 2; see Remarks); Nxt-sw (recto 6); Ra-wbn (over recto 6, verso I 2); 1Ay (recto 7, verso I 4); 1r-nfr (recto 4, 9, verso I 2, ~8#); On-Hr-xpS=f (recto ~5#); Ks sA aA-pH.t.y (recto ~4#, 8); Ks sA Ra-ms (recto 5) Incomplete/unclear: Imn- [...] (recto 2: Imn-m-In.t ?); PA-nxt [...] (recto ~6#) |
Remarks: | Names, Titels: recto 2 was read as 5d-wi-PtH Imn- [...] by G. Burkard, H. Fischer-Elfert, Aegyptische Handschriften 4 (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland XIX), Stuttgart 1994, 76, but see now H. Fischer-Elfert, in: Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium , 103. |