P. Berlin P 23300
Other nos.: -
Description: Papyrus, 16 fragments, dimensions not specified (see Remarks). Black ink; recto originally at least 8 lines (fragment a), verso remains of one line (fragments p, q); top recto = bottom verso. Incomplete; beginnings and ends of recto 1-4 on main fragment (a) lost; only fragments of other lines on recto and of line on verso. See Remarks.
Classification: note - oath : event
Keywords: beating - birth(?) - departure - document - guard post - inspection - junior - message (?) - oath - passing (guard posts) - storehouse - theft(?)
Provenance: Possibly excavations G. Möller in Deir el-Medina, 1911 or 1913.
Publication: Fischer-Elfert, in: Forschung in der Papyrussammlung , 47-66, 70-71 (photographs, transcription, translation, commentary)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, Merenptah (Fischer-Elfert)
Contents: Fragmentary text mentioning the passing of guard posts (i.e. strike), and the inspection of those guard posts by Necropolis police. Small fragments mention theft(?), the vizier, and a royal storeroom as the object of an oath. See Remarks.
Terminology: hAb (recto a ~5#?); sS (recto m 2)
Names/Titles: an. ( ir.y ; recto q 1); an. ( pA Hr.y-mDAy ; recto a ~2#); an. ( nAy Xrd.w ; verso ~q#); Pn-dwA (recto a ~4#, ~7#); Nxt-Mnw ( Hr.y-mDAy ; recto a 1); nswt-bity Wsr-mAa.t-Ra [...] (king; recto g ~2#; see Remarks); Nxt-4bk ( Hr.y-mDAy ; recto a 1 - name supra lineam ); 4xm.t (deity; f.; recto a ~6#) Incomplete: Pr-aA [...] (king; storehouse of; recto q 3); [...] ( mDAy ; recto a ~1#); [...] ( Hr.y-mDAy ; verso ~p#); [...] 4tp.n-Ra [...] (king; recto d 2); [...] ( TAty ; recto o ~4#)
Remarks: Description: for dimensions, see scale indicated in Fischer-Elfert, in: Forschung in der Papyrussammlung , 70-71 . Description, Content: perhaps originally one document together with P. Berlin P 23301 ( Fischer-Elfert, in: Forschung in der Papyrussammlung , 48 ). Names, Titles: in recto g 2 read wsr , rather than WAs.t ( Fischer-Elfert, in: Forschung in der Papyrussammlung , 66 ).

Record last updated 2013-08-30

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