P. Bibliotheque Nationale 197, VI
Other nos.: LRL 43
Description: Papyrus sheet, 15.5 x 19.5 cm. Recto V/H, verso H/V. Top recto = bottom verso. In black ink 8 lines of writing on the recto and 6 lines on the verso. Damaged at the top and the left edge of the recto, causing loss of writing at the beginning of the letter (i.e. above the present line 1 of recto, and probably also the address on the verso), most of line 1 and at the end of lines 2-6.
Classification: letter
Keywords: document - boat - message
Provenance: Acquired by the Bibliotheque Nationale from the collection of F. Cailliaud formed in 1817 or 1818 in Thebes.
Publication: Černý, Late Ramesside Letters , XIII and XV (description), 64 (transcription); Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications , pl. 79 (photographs); Spiegelberg, Correspondances , 61-62 (transcription); Wente, Late Ramesside Letters , 76-77 (translation and commentary); Wente, Letters , 199-200 no. 322 (translation).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Late dyn. 20 (Černý); year 10 of wHm ms.w.t of Ramesses XI (Wente)
Contents: A letter probably from necropolis scribe Bw-th-Imn to 5d-sw-1r (who is in Nubia), asking to send information about necropolis scribe 7ry via Medjay 0d-nxt , urging to assist this scribe in the boat and look after him and in reply to a complaint explaining that he had sent already two letters.
Terminology: m anx wDA snb m Hs.w.t (recto ~1#); r rdi.t am=k (verso 1); r Dd (verso 2); hAb (recto 4, [4]; verso 1, 2, 2, 3, 4); Sa.t (verso 2, 4)
Names/Titles: an. pAy=f rmT ; recto 8); an. (rmT ; recto 8); Ax-mnw (verso 1); Imn (deity; recto 7); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w (deity; recto ~1#-2, 2); 0d-nxt (mDAy ; recto 5); 1m.t-Sri.t (f.; verso 3); 7ry (sS n pA 2r ; recto 5 , 6 (sS only) ; verso 5 (sS only) ). Incomplete: [...] (sDm-aS m s.t [...]; recto 1)
Remarks: Contents: According to Wente this letter was written after P. Turin Cat. 1971 (LRL 16) and P. BM EA 10375 (LRL 28) and it resembles the wording of P. BM EA 10284 (LRL 29).

Record last updated 2023-03-15

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