P. Bibliotheque Nationale 198, III
Other nos.: LRL 47
Description: Papyrus sheet, 23.5 x 19.5 cm, and a tiny loose unplaced fragment. Recto H/V, verso V/H. Top recto = bottom verso. In black ink 14 lines of writing on the recto and 9 lines (including address) on the verso. Damaged at the top of the recto causing at least one line to be lost and almost entire loss of writing in line 1 of the recto. Scanty traces of the address at the bottom of the verso, illegible. A short lacuna in the middle of almost all lines originates in the papyrus having been folded here.
Classification: letter
Keywords: arrival - commissioning - grain - message - sending out - wood - work - working
Provenance: Acquired by the Bibliotheque Nationale from the collection of F. Cailliaud formed in 1817 or 1818 in Thebes.
Publication: Černý, Late Ramesside Letters , XIV and XV (description), 68-70 (transcription); Grandet, in Les Artistes de Pharaon , 121 no. 64 (photograph of recto) ; Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications , pls. 84-85 (photographs); Spiegelberg, Correspondances , 74-76 (transcription) ; Wente, Late Ramesside Letters , 81-82 (translation and commentary); Wente, Letters , 172-173 no. 288 (translation)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Late dyn. 20 (Černý); year 12 Ramesses XI (Wente)
Contents: A letter (names of sender and addressee lost; see Remarks) in which the addressee is reproach ed for hav ing remained idle in the commission of Pharaoh: he did not sent his scribe to fetch grain and he should now do so lest people grow hungry and become idle.
Terminology: r Dd (recto 11, 12, 13); hAb (verso 8); Hna Dd (recto 3)
Names/Titles: an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; recto 4-5 ( pAy=k nb nfr ); verso 4, 7); an. ( nA wHa.w ; recto 10); an. ( nA rmT ; recto 6, 8, 14; verso 1, 7); an. ( nA rmT n pA 2r ; recto ~11#); an. ( sS ; verso 5); an. ( TAty ; verso 2); Iw=f-n-Imn ( sS n pA 2r ; recto 9 (only sS ); verso ~5#); Imn (deity; verso 3); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w ( pAy=k nb ; deity; recto ~3#); Wn-Imn ( wrS ; verso 9); Nbw.t . y xnty nb r Dr nTr aA n sp tp.y (deity; recto ~ 2 # ); Ns-4bk ( sS ; recto 8); 2nsw-ms ( ir.y-aA ; verso ~6#); 9Hwty-ms ( ir.y-aA sAw ; recto ~9#; verso 6 (only ir.y-aA ))
Remarks: Content: according to Wente, Late Ramesside Letters , 1; idem, Letters , 172, the sender was the Necropolis scribe 9Hwty-ms .

Record last updated 2023-03-15

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