P. DeM 15
Other nos.: P. DeM 16; see Remarks
Description: Papyrus strip, 33.7 x 5 cm. Black ink, one side (V/H), 3 lines. Damaged, end of line 2 lost, trace of line 3.
Classification: letter
Keywords: meat - oath
Provenance: Probably excavations Deir el-Medina 1928; trapezoid space south of P 1165 (Posener, in: Černý, P. DeM I, vii)
Publication: Černý, Papyrus Deir El Medineh I, 26, pls. 30 and 30a (description, transcription, photograph); Posener, in Studies in Egyptian Religion , 121-126 (transcription, translation, commentary); Wente, Letters , 140, no. 179 (translation)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: mid-Dyn. 20 (Wente)
Contents: Letter from a carpenter 2nsw to his mother, Nfr.t-xa . 2nsw has broken his oath, not to eat a haunch and a tripe, and wishes to be forgiven by the god by whom he has sworn. See Remarks.
Terminology: aro (2); m anx wDA snb (1); NN n NN (1); Hna Dd r nty (1-2)
Names/Titles: Nfr.t-xa (anx n niw.t ; mw.t of 2nsw ; f.; 1); 2nsw (Hmw.w ; 1)
Remarks: Numbers : this document is referred to as "P. DeM 16" in Černý Notebook 113.18 and in Černý MSS.3.282 (Magee, Malek, Checklist , 17). Contents: t race in line 3 of =f in [im]=f or [n]=f ? For the connection between this document and the Chester Beatty, other DeM and Naunakhte papyri, cf. Pestman, in: Gleanings , 155.

Record last updated 2007-10-02

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